How to Speak a Foreign Language Without Mistakes is a performative video piece centred around the Linguo Booster Phonecase, created for the Tactilite exhibition
at Hobusepea Gallery in 2021.
Jewellery witch Seraphita presents the Linguo Booster Phonecase as an intermediary between the person and language. This accessory, engaging with the oral cavity, features a cylindrical jadeite stone.
Its translucent green hue harmonises with the exhibition’s style, glowing as light filters through it from the phone’s lamp.
Employing Haptic Visuality, this multisensory approach weaves together emotional resonance and speculative ritual, reimagining connection within a pseudomagical framework.
Idea and performance: Darja Popolitova
Video effects: Jakob Tulve
Sound: Andres Nõlvak
© Darja Popolitova