transitory writing in no one's land
Throughout November, artistic researchers Emma Cocker, Andrea Coyotzi Borja, Cordula Daus, and Lena Séraphin are ‘in residence’ in Mexico as part of their collaborative research project transitory writing in no one’s land. This project explores how collective, embodied and situated writing practices might create conditions for inter-subjective relations and the emergence of inclusive in-between zones.
ON 18 NOVEMBER 2024, the researchers engaged in a workshop with a group of researchers (kindly hosted at Espacio Cero by Sara Gómez). With thanks to workshop participants: Luisa Ana Lidia González García, Rocío Hidalgo, Zulai Macias, Rebeca Mundo, Ivonne Lizeth Sánchez, Eugenia Vargas, Ruth Moran, Sara Gómez, Paola De Anda.
The workshop was conceived as a way of sharing the ongoing research from the project transitory writing in no one’s land. The session began with a short introduction to the overall project highlighting its basis within language-based artistic research; collaborative writing/reading in public space; the use of scores for writing; the embodied/bodily/ situated/relational aspect of writing together, as well as the multilingual dimension. The specific exploration for the workshop was to share/reflect a sense of the arc of our current enquiry: beginning by grounding in an awareness of the sensorial body and situated embodiment/positionality; before opening towards an exploration of self/other awareness; joint attention; sensitization to one’s cultural disposition by attending to the ‘between’ as well as commonalities/differences of perspectives and language. The hope was to open towards the potential of an emergent “we”, towards the collective – through shared acts of intimacy within writing in public; through various scores involving translation and translinguality.