

Intro / context

Infopolitics / Issues involved


Ways through the material

  • Investigation narrative (people and conversations)

  • APP0    pitch [utopian]

  • Case studies?

    • Open Patata

    • Open Data Cyprus Hackathon

    • CyLaw?

    • TLDR?



  • Accountability

  • Independent Development



Free Software definition

Basic debates in OGD [lit review]



an app on open data apps / usage of open data

[one app to rule them all]



We propose a locally-focused observatory perspective on issues of data freedom and openness, as an issue of broader political significance and concequences.


It takes on research (reporting as well as theoretical). It connects and classifies current work on openness, with an initial focus on the use of open government data, in either civic, or privately monetising apps & research projects. It connects with a wide spectrum of interested fields of expertise around the above issues. It contributes to the development of different kinds of speech about what's going on, focusing on open government data discourse, as a weighty intersection that can localise / locally anchor far-reaching international political concerns (about the construction of a front between nation-states and the private sector, about accessibility, privacy, and privatisation, among other things).






An app that collects information about OGD legislation, standards, and other OGD apps, classifying them according to categories.


  1. Encryption Standards
  2. Openness / Freedom of code / or maybe just Licensing / type of license
  3. Contribution back to the Dataset [are parsed data shared back with the community? - further usability of output]
  4. Monetisation policy / prospects
  5. Discursive positioning: a civic app? a centralising or centralising information app? what are the sites involved?
  6. Funding received
  7. Technical aspects: languages used / type of technology
  8. Type of team / developers / designers / enterpreneurs?



How is this going to be updated?

Access to the public