Om Eiras kiosk / About Eira's Kiosk


Eiras kiosk er ein serie med mindre konsertar, lydinstallasjonar e.l. som blir annonsert kort tid i forkant og dukkar opp på stadig nye stader. Tidligare har kiosken poppa opp blant anna i advent-utgåve i heisen på Rosendal Teater og i bar-versjon på Only Connect-festivalen. Eiras kiosk: Skattejakt-edition er spesiallaga til NTNU Artistic Research Week 2024, der den saman med publikum utforskar ulike krinkelkrokar i Olavshallen

Eira's Kiosk is a project consisting of a series of smaller concerts, sound installations, or similar events that are announced shortly before and pop up in various locations. Previously the kiosk has appeared in an Advent edition in the elevator at Rosendal Theatre and a bar-version at the Only Connect festival. Eira's Kiosk: Treasure Hunt Edition is specifically made for NTNU Artistic Research Week 2024, where it, together with the audience, explores various nooks and crannies of Olavshallen.

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