Projeto Solo (or The Soil Project in English) is a proposal initiated at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, associated with the doctoral research in Fine Arts currently underway, which promotes a series of workshops on the reconstruction of drawing and painting materials. Based on the collection of Portuguese soils, this research seeks to find ways of applying these pigments that are not directly associated with ceramics. This project began with theoretical research, collecting recipes from different years and centuries. These made it possible to make a selection of existing recipes and then adapt them to use easily accessible ingredients. Since the main aim is to use soils, the reconstruction of materials is one of several sub-themes to be investigated, with the purpose of transforming them into a transversal material that goes beyond their main objective. It also seeks to find a sustainable modus operandi, so as not to destroy the ecosystems that surround us, and which are essential for the constant transformation of nature. This project also aims to provide students with new learning tools, allowing them to get to know the different materials they have around them, as well as to think about the different soils and pigments in Portugal.