
1. Torbjörn Johansson, Karin Hanssen, Staffan Eriksson, Charlotte Gattmalm "Rapport Stadsbyggnadskontoret distrikt Söderort." ”Report City planning Office South district” (Gummessons Tryckeri AB 1997)

2. We were 5/26 non whites during my last three years of primary school 1993-1996.

3. Daniel Birnbaum and Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Preface Cartesianska meditationer/Cartesian Meditations of Edmund Husserl  (Göteborg: Daidalos 1992) Translation of quote: Paula Urbano

4. Edmund Husserl, Cartesianska meditationer/Cartesian Meditations, trans. Daniel Birnbaum and Sven-Olov Wallenstein, (Göteborg: Daidalos 1992). Translation of quote to English: Paula Urbano. Translation to Spanish: Fernando Hierro.

5. Her Life/Hennes Liv/La vida es ella. Paula Urbano, video 2008, 11:55 min. 

6. Catrin Lundström, Svenska Latinas - Ras, Klass och Kön i Svenskhetens geografi./ Swedish Latinas - Race, Class and Gender i the Geography of Swedishness. (Göteborg & Stockholm: Makadam förlag, 2007) Translation of quote: Fernando Hierro och Paula Urbano

7. Göran Burenhult, red., Arkeologi i Norden 1. (Natur och Kultur, 1999)

8. Johan Ling and Sofia Stos-Gale and Lena Grandin and Kjell Billström and Eva Hjärtner-Holdar and Per-Olov Persson "Moving metals II: provenancing Scandinavian Bronze Age artefacts by lead isotope and elemental analyses", Journal of Archeological Science 41 (2014)

9. Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method, trans. Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall, (London: continuum, 2004) Translation of quote to Swedish: Paula Urbano. Translation of quote to Spanish: Fernando Hierro.

10. Plato, Theaitetos, 133-243 in Skrifter Bok 4, trans. Jan Stolpe, (Stockholm: Atlantis, 2006). 

11. Paula Urbano, There are many bubbles I with you were in mine, ed. Reyhaneh Mirjahani, Between affinity and rupture – Tracing bubbles (Stockholm: Arvinius + Orfeus 2023)  

12. Immanuel Kant, Kritik av det rena förnuftet/Critique of Pure Reason, trans. Jeannette Emt, (Stockholm: Thales 2004).

13. Edmund Husserl, Cartesianska meditationer/Cartesian Meditations, trans. Daniel Birnbaum and Sven-Olov Wallenstein, (Göteborg: Daidalos 1992) § 8

14. Tobias Hübinette, ”Att överskrida ras: En introduktion till begreppet transrasialitet speglad genom transrasiala erfarenheter och fantasier.”  ”To exceed Race: An introduktion to the concept of transraciality mirrored by transracial experiences and phantasies” (Mångkulturellt Centrum och Södertörns Högskola, 2011)

15. Marcia Sà Cavalcante Schuback, Exilens språk - texter/The language of Exile - texts (Göteborgs förening för filosofi och psykoanalys, 2016)

16. Mara Lee, När andra skriver - Skrivande som motstånd, ansvar och tid/ When others write - Writing as resistance, responsibility and time (Göteborg: Glänta produktion 2014).

17. Gloria Anzaldúa, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (Aunt Lute Book Company, San Fransisco, 1987)

18. Aristotetle, Om diktkonsten/Poesis (Alfabeta bokförlag AB, 1994 svenska utgåvan)


Reference litterature

Lectures by Charlotta Weigelt Södertörns Högskola. Continental Philosophy/Logic I. Spring 2013 

My notes from the lectures


Translation from Swedish to Spanish: Fernando Hierro (

Translation from Swedish to English: Samuel Girma och Paula Urbano



First version

Johan Ling et al "Moving metals II: provenancing Scandinavian Bronze Age artefacts by lead isotope and elemental analyses", Journal of Archeological Science 41 (2014)


Second version

Hegel, G. W. F, Phenomenology of the Spirit trans. Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Brian Manning Delaney. (Stockholm: Thales, 2008)


Final version

Andreas Oldeberg ”Ett bronsåldersfynd från Hjärpetan,” Fornvännen 23 (1928): 321-345.

Martin Heidegger, Konstverkets ursprung/The Origin of the Work of Art, trans Sven-Olof Wallenstein (Göteborg: Daidalos, 2005)


Future versions

Hernan Bascuñan ”200 years of friendship Sweden and Chile”, exhibition catalogue (Edsvik Konsthall AB, 2019)


List of Materials

In the exposition Provenir del Porvenir I have placed the text in columns to refer to the stoa which was the place where the Stoics gathered in antiquity. The stoa is a covered row of columns that flanked the agora in antiquity and the place that gave Stoicism its name. The stoa is both a walkway and a meeting place.


The background in the first column is Lapiz lazuli

The background in the second column is Lapiz lazuli from a microscope

The background in the third column is lapis lazuli med pyrite

The background in the fourth column is granite

The background in the fifth column is the same as the first

The background behind all of the columns is black and grey granite 

Chile's tradition of lapis lazuli can be dated to the time of the Chimu tribes who lived in the northern parts of the country. The capital of the Chimu Empire, Chan Chan, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.  Lapis lazuli was nominated as the national stone of Chile on September 20, 1984.



Sources and drafts

Casted crystal glass (K9-glass), galvanised steel wire


Final Version

Patinated bronce