History and research behind Herring, Iron, gunpowder, Humans & Sugar

Links with resources:

Obeah Histories: Online resorses on Obeah, collonial laws etc.

Wikipedia on Obeah: Online resorses on Obeah

Powerfull Obeah: Article in Jamaica Observer (2018)

The Obeah Act: Jamaica's current law against Obeah, established in 1898, makes it illegal to practice Obeah and Myalism. The law also criminalizes individuals who claim to have supernatural or occult knowledge or powers, or use instruments of Obeah.

Carebean Religious Trails: Webpage by Diana Paton that presents information about selected trials for religious crimes held in the Caribbean between the 1760s and the 1980s.


Obeah prosecutions from the inside- Published online by Cambridge University Press:  05 August 2015

Freedom to Belive: A hompage that is part of part of a theatre in education project exploring Caribbean social and religious histoires led by Diana Paton  

Obeah, also known as Obiya or Obia, is a broad term for African diasporic religious, spell-casting, and healing traditions prevalent mainly in the former British colonies of the Caribbean. These practices originate largely from West African traditions, with influences from European and South Asian cultures. Many practitioners avoid using the term Obeah because of its negative connotations in many Caribbean societies.


 In Jamaica, Obeah has been illegal since the 1760s, when the first law against its practice was enacted. This law was introduced because enslaved people used traditional African rituals to gain strength and solidarity during Tacky’s War, one of the largest slave uprisings in the region. After emancipation in the 1830s, new laws were introduced against Obeah, increasingly portraying it as fraudulent and occult activities.


The Obeah Act of 1898 is still in force in Jamaica, although it was amended in 2013 to remove whipping as a punishment. No prosecutions for Obeah have taken place since the 1970s; however, stigma persists against African healing traditions, Myalism, and Obeah. Since the 1980s, there have been ongoing debates on legalization, citing religious freedom and decolonization efforts. Many Jamaican churches actively campaign against the practice and its legalization. Practitioners report ongoing harassment and occasional arrests by the police, even without prosecution for any crimes.

Image depicting the Tacky's War/Tacky's Rebellion by David, François Anne, 1759

Images of a ritual wit afro jamaican roots for good fortune, with burning rum, candles, cowrie and conch trumpet, Jamaica 2020

An Act to Remedy the Evils arising from Irregular Assemblies of Slaves, Jamaica, 1760

The Obeah Law, Jamaica, 1898

The Obeah (Amendment) Act, Jamaica, 2013

The Obeah (Amendment) Act, Jamaica, 2013