All my art materials (from pencils and coloured pencils, charcoals, pastels, watercolours, gouache, oils and acrylics, epoxy raisin and various tools, besides paint brushes) and an over a decade's collection of expensive art books I also used to teach; as well as whatever personal belongings of mine I couldn't take with me, including clothes, cosmetics and furnishings, were stolen by thugs, who ignorant and equally thuggish people glorified globally to start with.- not anymore. They put a new lock on the door and changed the key. I called the police, who came and took notes. I told them I'm an artist and activist and that my artistic name is Betty Nigianni. That was on 27 March 2024. My council tax closed on 27 March, that same day. I haven't been able to return to London or the UK since.
Mr. Sean Andre Haldkyj, whom I've known since 2005, living together from 2006 until 2022, is a British native of a hundred generations from his mother's side, the Reynolds. From his father's side, he is the grandson of a Ukranian national and a French national, who fled Nazi occupied Europe to live in the UK. His father, Andre, was born in Islington. However, distant or not so distant, genes are not citizenship. The United Kingdom has been multicultural for many years now, taking on and incorporating, one way or another, immigrants of mixed backgrounds, with single citizenships. The XRW wanted to dismantle that multiculturalism and hospitality. Sean got married recently, in 2024. It must be his own unique way of fighting the XRW. I haven't seen Sean since June 2022, but we are still friends; we have been there for each other in formative years of our lives.
That was for the Ulez. In one of his most well-known songs "Ektos Elegxou" ("Out of Control"), the late Pavlos Fyssas sang ironically that "in the end, everyone will wear 'green' shoes". He was 34 years old in 2013, when he died in the hands of Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn had an Ametican and an Australian branch, recruiting diasporic Greeks.
At the time, two British courts and four police stations had illegal records of several individuals with fake passports. The last remaining was until October 2024 with the Central Criminal Courts in London. THOSE were corrected by September and October 2024.
Any court files about Bellview with regards to letters or any other administration must be updated with the 22 April 2024 court decision, taking also into consideration that all courts records at Central Criminal Courts from 2021 and Southampton Magistrates' Courts from 2018 have been put in the legal details of those who misidentified.
I am currently 50 years old, with dual British, since 2011, and Greek nationality, at birth and through my parents and grandparents. I don't have any other citizenship than those two and I don't have children.
I don't own the property: I found the rental through a commercial estate agent - if I did, they wouldn't evict me, even if illegally. I was paying monthly rent from October 2020 until October 2023, when myself and neighbours first found out there was something wrong with the company and the company's bank account for rental payments. Islington council was notified in October 2023, but took no action. It still hasn't taken action about the illegal asset. The property was deemed illegal through the courts on 22 April 2024. The council hasn't taken any action yet.
I don't have any criminal records. No one with criminal records acquires British citizenship. I don't have children, either, established and confirmed by international authorities and by the Greek police from my native country, Geece. It's self-evident I didn't have children in 2006 and 2007 (17 and 18 years old, currently), as well as in 2009 (15 years old, currently), when I was living in the UK, working as a university lecturer. The sick sham of criminals involved with the illegal Bellview property must stop. An identified Greek woman lived at flat 14, in the same building, with her two eldest children in 2020, during Covid-19. They had fake Italian driver's licences and passports as Albanian citizens: the woman had a fake Italian/Albanian passport (as well as fake Albanian and a North Macedonian passports, previously, when she was living in Southampton, since 2014) as Eleni Nigianni, my deceased mother's name after marriage, while her children had fake Italian/Albanian passports as Betty Nigianni, my name known as (aka), from 2020 onwards. Their half-sister of the sane mother was living in Camden with a British friend of theirs, using another fake Albanian, as Chrysanthi Nigianni, 2017-2019; then in Haringey, spring 2019 until 2020, as Panagiotis Nigiannis, Kosovo; then in a boat, 2020-2023 with a fake Italian/Albanian passport as Betty Nigianni, my name known as (aka).
Islington (and Camden) council has hers and her children's corrected council tax records with their legal details; the police has the corrected files with her three children's legal details. The schools they went to, and those they graduated from in Islington (Finsbury) and Camden, must correct the children's school records and certificates in their legal details, also providing a reference of recommendation that they graduated having skipped three to five years of schooling: this is an achievement on its own. An investigation must be done on the North London education authorities. Their mother registered her three children to school online, as Eleni Nigianni (fake Albanian and fake Italian/Albanian passport): in 2019, in Southamptom, she registered her eldest, in Hackney, she registered her second eldest, in Haringey, her youngest; and in 2020, in Camden, her second eldest, who graduated in 2020, as well as her youngest, who graduated in 2023, after both having skipped five (5) years of compulsory education. In 2019, she had registered her youngest daughter online, after she had gender modification surgery, as Panagiotis Nigiannis, Kosovo, to a Haringey school, local to her two identified Greek male friends' address, one passing as an Italian woman by cross-dressing. Her eldest graduated in the summer of 2020 from an Islington, in the Finsbury area, high school, while his sibling graduated from a Camden high school, after she moved them in the middle of the year, transferred from one school to another, while they lived at Bellview, in Islington; and after they had skipped five (5) years in total of compulsory education. They would have been transferred to schools in different areas, because they had the exact same name: Betty Nigianni, Italian/Albanian, which is not possible for siblings. Again their mother would have made the separate online registrations as Eleni Nigianni, Albanian and Italian/Albanian. Each child changed schools three (3) times, with their mother registering them online through the local government's system using the fake name Eleni Nigianni. The UK has nine years of compulsory education, like other countries.
I believe their mother is a shareholder of the whole Bellview property and that she was receiving rentals in the illegal Barclays bank account. No insurance in connection with properties or anything else was found in Islington.
I never lived at flat 14 and I have never met the woman or any of her children. I believe she is the woman from the 1990s Greek Pallini Satanists case. They must have left soon before I, and Sean, moved to flat 4, in October 2020.
The Bellview property was deemed illegal through the courts on 22 April. A bribe was offered for that courts decision, which confirms the property and the rental bank account are both illegal. Myself and one of the neighbours, who attended the courts, had stopped paying rent several months before, as soon as we found out the bank account wasn't a legitimate business account. No one from the courts asked us to pay rent in arrears, because the property is illegal, and so is the bank account for collecting rentals. Besides bribes offered, the involved individuals have followed the criminal methods of trafficking of dependants and self-trafficking for adults, to secure money deposits into the illegal Bellview Barclays bank account, since the 22 April courts decision and because Islington council hasn't taken any action yet. The above purports to organised crime.
I never lived at flat 14. I only lived at flat 4, from October 2020, where I conducted part of the investigation, and until 27 March 2024. The two children, who lived at flat 14 with their identified Greek mother, have also been identified by the Met police and the Greek police, from their native. They were born in 2006 and 2007 in Greece. They are not my children and I have never met them.
I returned to the UK, where I have been a citizen since November 2011, on 7 September 2020. "Return" is the word used for citizens: the return to the homeland. I started renting flat 4, 14 Barnsbury Road, a month later, on 5 October 2020. The final decision for Golden Dawn's criminalisation came shortly afterwards, after a five-year long prosecution that started in 2015. The sentence for their leader and many of their members is thirteen (13) years imprisonment for a series of criminal offences, including political assassinations and for running a criminal gang. They were originally pagans, meaning they believed in the twelve gods of Olympus from the ancient Greeks. Human sacrifices were rare in ancient Greece, however it was not uncommon for gods and godesses to sacrifice even their own offsprings for reasons that served the politics of their times, while animals were sacrificed for divination. The ritualistic nature of some of the Golden Dawn crimes points at the paganistic roots of this former Greek political neo-Nazi party.