703.125 + 705.125 Hz
To re-calibrate:
1 It is just an encounter; paths cross, daily.
2 Sitting and listening, even sauntering together, is a choice.
3 Life waves by and we can listen within it and the many ways in which it simply does resonate within us, through one another.
703.125 + 707.125 Hz
Just as we sit for music with one another: it has been done.
The first hospitality is none other than listening. It is the hospitality that we can grant to others, with our body and our soul, even out on the streets and on the roadside, when we would not be able to offer a roof, or warmth or food.
Jean-Louis Chrétien, The Ark of Speech, (London: Routledge, 2004) 9.
843.75 + 845.75 Hz
We allow ourselves to be brought into this space, as other and other.
And before, again and again, we have always shared space with the one other, listening.
It is a space and not yet a duration; the resonance fills first the space and our bodies with it. Here, our senses bloom exponentially, with an infinitesimal variability—as if we are able to hear simultaneously all microscopical and cosmological unraveling—time cannot describe this resonance for us.
When the dialectics of the I and the non-I grow more flexible, I feel that fields and meadows are with me, in the with-me, with us.
G. Bachelard, op. cit., 188.
843.75 + 847.75 Hz
Then, all that can be offered is a sort of “felicitous space,”1 a hospitality.
Indeed, the images I want to examine are the quite simple images of felicitous space...They seek to determine the human value of the sorts of space that may be grasped, that they may be defended against adverse forces, the space we love.2
1 Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, Trans. Maria Jolas, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1994) xxxv.
2 Ibid.