Strong storms at the end of March, beginning of April 2024 moved big chunks of the self built road along the coast of the 2º Torrão neighbourhood. A family's home was flooded by the waves. At the time of publication there is no solution for this family and none of the debris has been cleared by the authorities.


 PDF- Article for Al-Madan Journal (translated)



Installation/ Performance at Hosoi 22/05/2023

On the 13th of April 2024 an archaeological action in the 2º Torrão neighborhood was carried out, in collaboration with the Almada Archaeology Centre. The objective was not an excavation, it was not prospecting, but an activity that would make the residents, through the participation of the children who live there, aware of their recent past, their identity and the importance of what is happening in their neighborhood, for themselves and others. 2º Torrão is a self-built neighborhood located a few km from the center of Trafaria where approximately 2000 people live.


Short video loop playing in Museum 

The pile of furniture replicates the ones in the storage warehouse where peoples belongings were stored during the period between the demolition and relocation