16th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research

7, 8 and 9 May 2025

University of Porto, Portugal


We are delighted to announce that the 16th SAR Conference will include a Poster Session on artistic research

With this format, we wish to widen the debate opened by the conference theme and engage all participants and the SAR community in face-to-face conversations around planned, ongoing or concluded artistic research projects.

The posters will be exhibited during the 16th SAR Conference at the University of Porto, with a dedicated in-person session. It is required to be present for questions and contributions.




Poster submission deadline: 4th March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 14th March 2025
End of conference registration: 10th of April 2025




Posters can be submitted in PDF format to the following email: sar2025@fba.up.pt

Please specify in the subject line: [SAR2025 Call for Posters] Submission

Note: after acceptance, only participants with a valid conference registration can present their posters at the Conference.

Poster size

Recommended size A1 (59.4 x 84.1 cm)

Minimum size required: A2 (42 x 59.4 cm)
Maximum standard size A0 (84.1 x 118.9)

Poster Orientation

Portrait is recommended
Landscape is possible

Material and Print

Standard paper minimum weight 90 g/m2
If your budget allows 120 g/m2 or 163 g/m2
For display reasons, we do not accept posters printed on materials other than paper (e.g. wood, plexiglas.)

Important Notes

By submitting your poster, you confirm that you have the right to publish the artistic research project.

We trust our participants to publish in a fair, respectful and sensitive manner. The posters will be reviewed and selected by the Conference Committee, and participants will be notified of the results.

We reserve the right to arrange the posters according to the space requirements.

General guidelines on how to prepare your poster

A poster should not contain all information you have on the topic.

The standard format of a poster usually includes the following:

•    Title of contribution
•    Author(s) and affiliation
•    Introduction of your Artistic Research Project
•    Methods Used
•    Results / Conclusions (if applicable)
•    Recommendations
•    Short bio of presenters (no more than 100 words)

We invite you to explore different layouts responsive to your artistic research project.

Highly recommended: Do not forget to include a link to your more complete research online. We recommend using a QR code for instant interaction with the viewer.

Your poster might link to a dedicated RC exposition, giving a more comprehensive presentation of the research context and methods.

Some additional tips on how to design your poster presentation

Avoid clutter. Limit your poster presentation to a few main ideas.

Keep the lettering simple. Use no more than three different font sizes: the largest for the poster title, the second largest for section titles, and the smallest for text.

Keep the colours simple.

Transportation: use a poster tube to transport your poster safely. If your budget allows, print one extra poster (in case of damage).

Final considerations

After you receive the confirmation of acceptance and register at the Conference, you can request an “invitation letter” via sar2025@fba.up.pt if needed.

Please bring your printed poster to the Conference on day 1 (7th May) to the registration desk for collection (10 am > 1 pm).