16th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research

7, 8 and 9 May 2025

University of Porto, Portugal



The 16th International Conference on Artistic Research is hosted by i2ADS, University of Porto. Organised in collaboration with the Society of Artistic Research (SAR), it is the largest conference on practice-based research through the arts. The SAR Conference brings together leading practitioners, scholars and policymakers to showcase exemplary artistic research projects while focusing on key issues through critical debate.

The past decade witnessed the appearance of new debating spaces within artistic research. At a time when art and culture, local and global policies and events are haunted by societal challenges as vast as they are unpredictable, what can artistic researchers offer in response to these concerns? How can artistic research resonate beyond its specific contexts and disciplinary borders?

Resonance is a prompt to address the transformative nature of artistic research as a connective element that evokes a response and qualifies our experiences as meaningful.

However, it can also be understood as a critical tool characterised by reciprocity and mutual transformation. Resonance is a response to personal and global challenges both poetically and through modes of political imagination and transformative meeting spaces.

Getting into resonance is to create a relation between artistic research and the world that requires questioning and answering, but also the ability to change and be changed.


Resonance is about responsiveness

A resonant experience is a function of vulnerability, both in terms of susceptibility to external influence and the quality of openness that facilitates a meaningful encounter with the world. What artistic research strategies can enhance openness and responsiveness to the affordances of our environment?

Resonance is about transferability and transformation of experience

How artistic research methods contribute to cross-fertilization between sectors and disciplines, enabling wider adquisition of skills, awareness, and agency?

Resonance is not consonance

How artistic research practices embody conflicts and mediate crisis, creating spaces for divergent voices and intercultural cooperation?

Resonance is searching and imagining

Artistic research plays a fundamental role in developing counterfactual ways of thinking and exploring the path of what happens "if". How do counterfactual reasoning and research intertwine to create narratives of change?

Resonance occurs in the invisible movements crossing geographical space and historical time

How do artistic researchers draw on ancestral storytelling and marginal sources of knowledge, despite colonial legacies and forced dispossession, to create new cultural practices?

Resonance is about transforming materialities

How do materials and the material culture of artistic research resonate the environmental, social and cultural needs of our time?

Resonance is an effect of time and duration

How artistic research affect and change our experience of time? What time-based artistic research methods can enhance our sense of belonging?


The call for proposals for presentation of artistic research projects is now closed.

The call for posters is now closed.



Thank you for your submisisons!


The deadline for submissions has been extended to: October 29, 2024.

Please note that SAR2025 is an in-person conference and that all submissions and presentations must be in English.




We call for proposals for presentations of artistic research projects in two formats:

Short presentation (20 minutes’ lecture + 20 minutes’ discussion).

Long presentation (40 minutes’ lecture of practice sharing + 30 minutes discussion).

We encourage original and experimental contributions, by both individuals and collectives.

A call for posters on artistic research projects addressing the Conference theme will be launched separately.




To submit a proposal, the submitter must be registered as a user of the Research Catalogue (RC) with a full account. Please make sure to register on the RC as soon as possible to ensure that your registration can be processed in time.

Registering a full RC account is free.

For more information about the RC registration process, you may consult the video tutorial.

Once you have a full account, you can log in and start working on your application by going to your profile page.


1. Go to the “Research section.
2. Click “Create Application” and
3. Select “SAR Conference 2025, Porto” from the dropdown menu (screenshot here).








Submission form will be open from 15 August to 29 October 2024 (extended deadline).

The following details will be required:

Title (max. 200 characters).
Abstract for Conference program (max. 2000 characters).
Short biographies of presenters (max. 600 characters).
Image for the Conference program.
Addition information on the presentation format (max. 1000 characters).
Spatial and/or technical requirements (max. 500 characteres).
Potential risks or ethical concerns (max. 500 characters).
Previous iterations of the research.

RC Exposition: with the application form, we will also ask you to attach an RC Exposition of your project. The attached exposition should be made specifically for this submission purpose, and should not be previously published. As a guideline, the exposition should not demand more than 15 minutes to read/navigate. We recommend to make yourself familiar to the RC requirements well in advance of the submission deadline. See the quickstart guide for creating your first RC exposition.

N.B. Please do not "submit for review" the exposition to any of the RC portals (JAR, HUB, etc.) or self-publish it. You can attach the exposition to your application using the application form itself. This form will be available by 15 August. Attaching it to the form will ensure that the reviewers will be able to view and assess the content once your application is made available to them. Tip: you can attach the exposition using the title, not the url/link.



Peer Review Criteria

The peer reviewers will use the following criteria to assess submissions:


How does the planned presentation of artistic research practice demonstrate its relation to the Frascati criteria for research: Novel, Creative, Uncertain, Systematic, Transferable and/or Reproducible?

Context and Method

How adequate is the contextual framing of the presentation, including references to other artistic research endeavours and the methodological approach?

Conference Focus

How clear does the presenter formulate what is to be shared and discussed with the conference participants?

Overall assessment

Is this submission recommend for presentation -- and why or why not?

The Conference Committee will take additional criteria into consideration when it comes to the programming of the conference
Has the submitter framed the presentation in regard to the indicated or preferred conference format?

These questions are the basis of the form used to submit proposals –– in addition to the actual proposal that is supposed to be available in the form of an exposition in the Research Catalogue.

Reviewers are expected to produce a written statement which should be also available to the submitters.

Here is a screenshot of the review assessment for the peer reviewers:




A webinar/workshop on making an exposition as par of an application to a SAR Conference can be seen here.

The Committee will only accept submissions presented on-site at the Conference.

For further information, please contact the conference organisers: sar2025@fba.up.pt


15 Aug 2024 Submission starts: call for papers

15 Oct 2024 Submission deadline

21 Jan 2025 Notification of aceptance of submissions

28 Feb 2025 Registration deadline

21 Apr 2025 Conference program announcement

07-09 May 2025 Conference dates


The 16th International Conference on Artistic Research is an academic in-person conference partially supported by registration fees that we try to keep relatively low compared to academic conferences in other disciplines. We want to ensure, however, that participants lacking the institutional affiliation that would cover the fees are not excluded.  Therefore, the SAR conference operates with a reduced fee for participants who are individual SAR members without institutional affiliation and employment.

To ensure this model is sustainable, we count on the institutional representatives' solidarity and the financial commitment of our hosting Institutions, i2ADS and the University of Porto.



Conference fees are applicable according to the following categories:

  • Participants without individual or institutional SAR membership

EUR 300,00

  • Participants from SAR institutional member organisations*
  • Participants who are individual SAR members* with institutional affiliation and employment

EUR 200,00

  • Students (a copy of a valid student card must be provided)
  • Participants who are individual SAR members* without institutional affiliation and employment (to register in this category, you must be an individual SAR member without an art related institutional employment)

EUR 75,00

* Please double check if your institution is a member of SAR according to the list of institutional members. You may apply for membership in SAR through the membership application form. Kindly be aware that both individual and institutional SAR members must have paid the 2025 annual fee before the conference.

Conference fees are to be paid in EURO. The fees can be paid by PayPal or with Credit Card during the registration process and by invoice.

Fees include access to all sessions, lunches and coffee breaks during the conference. Access to the conference side events is also included.

Please note that each registration is individual. For co-authors, each person must register separately with the respective fee.

All fees are charged without VAT.

Special Conference Dinner

The special conference dinner takes place on the second day (8th May 2025) and has a separate cost of 50 euros. It will include couverts, starters, main course, dessert, coffee and drinks (wine, beer, soft drinks and water).

SAR Membership

Please note that membership payment for SAR is not yet available. If you want to register for the reduced membership fee, you can do so now by contacting the SAR Communication Officer: communication@societyforartisticresearch.org.




Important dates

Registration for presenters: until 7th March 2025
Deadline for registration: 10th April 2025

Payment and Registration for the conference is a simple 3 step process:

1. Register via the form: https://forms.office.com/e/X2mAU2fQLf

2. Pay the conference fee

You can pay by PayPal / Credit Card using the following link: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/L6HE9L5YQAC3Q

Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer (bank fees may apply) using the following details:
IBAN: PT50 0035 0748 00001261030 68

Cancellation policy: No refunds.

3. Send proof of payment to sar2025@fba.up.pt

Your registration will only be considered valid after you send a proof of payment to sar2025@fba.up.pt and the transaction is validated by our accounting services. You can use the bank transfer proof or the PayPal confirmation e-mail.

- If you are a presenter, please name the file with Presenter_Name+Surname (e.g. Presenter_ John Smith).
- If you are not a presenter, please name the file only with Name+Surname (e.g. Jane Smith).
- If applicable, a copy of a valid student card must ALSO be attached to the email.
- In the subject of the email please write [SAR2025] Registration proof.


Faculty of Engineering

University of Porto

s/n, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465

Porto, Portugal







Traveling to Porto

Located on the north-west coast of Portugal, Porto is the second largest city in Portugal. Built on a hillside of the Douro River overlooking its mouth, Porto has a two thousand years history, going back to the Roman times. Since 1996, the Historic Center of Porto has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.



From the Airport to the City Centre
— by metro (12 km)

If you're coming to Porto by plane, the simplest and cheapest way would be to take the metro.

Line E (Violet) connects the airport station to the "Estádio do Dragão" (FC. Porto Stadium) and the entire metro network.

It's necessary to buy an occasional Andante title to travel from the airport to Porto's centre (Title Z4). The Andante ticket can be purchased at any of the automatic ticket machines in the Metro station – occasional ticket (Z4). It costs 1.85€ + 0.60€ card and is valid for 1h (and is also rechargeable). You can also buy the Andante Tour, an unlimited and intermodal title valid for 1 or 3 days.

Click for more detailed information about the metro or see the image with the lines of the metro below.



From the Airport to the City Centre
— by taxi

All taxis are equipped with a taximeter, and the fare charged is limited to the amount displayed on the meter. A surcharge of 20% is applied on the following periods: weekends and public holidays; working days between 9pm and 6am (surcharge automatically calculated by the taximeter).

Motorway toll charges are to be paid by the passenger. A fee of €1,60 will be charged for transporting luggage exceeding 55cm x 35cm x 20cm. Any tipping is left to the passenger's discretion. It is compulsory for passengers to be given a receipt. The average price for this distance is €25,00.



From Lisbon to Porto
— by train (≈ 3 hours)

If you're planning to come by train from Lisbon, notice that Porto is served by international trains, Alfa Pendular (high-speed train), intercity, inter-regional, regional and urban trains.

From Lisbon, you must purchase a train ticket to the train station Porto - São Bento. When you arrive at Campanhã train station, you must transfer to another train with direction to Porto - São Bento (5 minutes by train), which is the closest train stop to the city centre. Average price for a one-way train ticket from Lisbon to Porto is 30€.




Moov Hotel Porto Centro **
Praça da Batalha 32,
4000-101 Porto – Portugal


Hotel São José ***
Rua da Alegria 172,
4000-034 Porto – Portugal


Legendary Porto Hotel ***
Praça da Batalha 127,
4000-100 Porto


Porto Trindade Hotel ****
Rua de Camoes, 129/131
4000-144 Porto – Portugal


Conference Committee

Paulo Luís Almeida, Director of i2ADS and Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, UPorto (Chair)

Florian Schneider, SAR President, Professor at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU

Lucia Matos, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, UPorto

Johan A. Haarberg, SAR Executive Director

Camila Mangueira, i2ADS

Johannes Kretz, SAR Executive Board and Head of  Artistic Research Center, mdw

Bruno Pereira, i2ADS and Professor at ESMAE-IPP




Conference Organising Team

Margarida Dias (Conference Manager, i2ADS, Porto, Portugal)

Fabrício Fava (Peer-review coordinator, i2ADS, Porto, Portugal)

Pedro Amado (Program coordinator, i2ADS, Porto, Portugal)

Rita Fonseca (Administrative coordinator, i2ADS, Porto, Portugal)

Camila Mangueira (Communication coordinator, i2ADS, Porto, Portugal)


i2ADS Research Unit

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto

Avenida Rodrigues de Freitas, 265
