
12.09: What is Artistic research?

seminar w/ Nabil Ahmed



How can contemporary art engage with some of the most urgent questions facing the planet? What is our approach to critically thinking with, producing new imaginaries and undertaking artistic research at the art academy?  


Florian Schneider. Circular aesthetics. Actionable Futures.

Nabil Ahmed. Dispatch from Longyearbyen. Carec cycle 01.


19.09: Spatial practice and the city 

talk and city walk w/Owen Griffith and Oskar Johanson 

Kunstarken (followed by city walk)


Joint session with the KUNO course City out of Sight: Places can open up new sights and perspectives, question everyday routines and blind spots, offer entry into historic narratives and struggles, point to economic and social divides and hidden infrastructures.

Owen Griffith, Ways of Working

Oskar Johanson. Echo works. IABR. 


26.09: Technological imaginaries

seminar w/Ayodele Arigbabu



Art begins with marking a territory, a look into different ways that this marking of a territory typically feeds off of ways of making, applying, understanding and evolving technology. "...artistic research appears as a generator of experimental machines articulating sense and sensation through experimentation" (Paulo de Assis)

Paulo de Assis. On artistic research in 3 minutes, on youtube


New technologies: pushing the boundaries of art. Orange. HelloFuture.


Cecilia Heyes. Précis of Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking. Behavioural and Brain Sciences. 




03.10: Documentary practices

w/ Annett Busch

Cinematek, located in Olavskvartalet, Kjøpmannsgata 48.


The starting point of a documentary investigation often starts with the question: What happened? Be it in a personal, family related or political context, be it an event in history or of the present. The answer to this question, the associated process, can take various forms and formats and can be realised using any media. What connects the variety of possible outcomes is an interest in engaging with some kind of objectivity or truth, in questioning reality, the world, and how it is narrated. In doing so, speculation can be as important as fact-checking, and we can come to the conclusion that there is no truth but multiple perspectives—and still not be entirely content. A documentary practice puts an artistic position into complex and sometimes uncomfortable relations. How can we listen and look at the world with sober eyes? And what form should it take? Could we think of a documentary practice as science fiction?


We will meet 13:00 at Cinematek. After short assignment-presentations and introduction we will watch and discuss Every Revolution is a Throw of Dice by Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet (France 1981, 10 min) and Our Defeats, by Jean-Gabriel Périot (http://www.jgperiot.net), (France, 2019, 88 minutes). Please bring friends interested in watching the films.


Assignment: Please choose one hour you want to document on Monday, September 30. You are free to choose the time and if you want to document something close by or wherever far. And you are free to choose the medium you want to use. Please prepare a short presentation about your  choice and decision what you documented and what difficulties you encountered(5 min) for next Thursday. The work itself will be documented in RC later (during the RC demo). 

Additional reading material: Tell it to the Stones—Encounters with the Films of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub, edited by Annett Busch and Tobias Hering, Sternberg Press, 2021


 22.10: Playing future Narratives – an AI-driven storytelling experience w/ Futuring Together research group (Ayodele Arigbabu, Margarita Torrijos, Prerna Bishnoi, Ysabel Munoz, Kristian Byaskov) (note: no class on 24.10)

Gallery KIT


We propose, as part of a work in progress and part of our research: an AI-run storytelling game for four players based on Trondheim and a future green transition as a speculative setting. Here, the audience will be invited to take part in short writing sessions where they will write speculative narratives with the active participation of an AI.



31.10: Research catalogue demo

workshop w/Annett Busch



This session will introduce students to the Research catalogue platform – a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research – towards writing an essay contextualising their own artistic practice within the wider field of artistic research.




Students propose an essay topic (1000 words).

The essay is due by the end of week 48 on research catalogue.



07.11: Interrogating archives

w/Nabil Ahmed

Kongens gate 95 (meet at 12:45)


Interrogating archives (documents, objects, films, images, histories, people and much more) is at the heart of many artistic research practices. We will visit the Norwegian national museum of justice with a special attention on their exhibit “fakes” at the intersection of visual culture and law. 


James T. Hong. The Suspicious Archive,

Part I: A Prejudiced Interpretation of the Interpretation of Archives. eflux.


14.11: Plenary session and pin-up 
