Here I want to be                                 Wandering through poetic fieldnotes                                                                                   by Amba Klapwijk


Master Composition
Royal Conservatoire The Hague
Student number: 3085260
Supervisor: Alison Isadora


© 2024 Amba Klapwijk

From Here

between the leaves, I gaze into the rocks
millions of stones
small, round, massive
and in the distance large, rough, protruding..

I feel a light breeze that is welcome
in this heat

in this moment, the water knows no stopping
I don't want it to stop either

from here
I try to see you
branches and leaves block my view
I know that you are slowly, but ever faster,
moving upwards

do you see the red stones in the river?
here, green, or brown, covered with pine needles
above, sparkling
below, they seem snow white
but those... are red

am I here
am I really here?

at night, in the twilight
I smell the earth beneath my feet
the leaves of the trees
it has finally rained
the crickets are singing
it is quiet

the next morning
clouds slowly move
passing by, over and around
the mountain

rustling sounds in the silver fir above me
from branch to branch
a pine cone falls down besides me

I remember, the day before yesterday,
the rumbling of stones
when a huge amount of water
rushed through the river
as if a thunderstorm was coming

now it is calm, except for the jays
that have perched in the branches around me

I get up
my path passes a large stone
covered with green velvet
I put my hand on its flank
and feel its warmth

I am here,
and I listen to the stones

Amba Klapwijk, August 2023

From Here / Vanaf Hier (2023)

Thin worlds move on, going up, sideways (2024)

For the percussion Input Duo

Some stills from try outs:

From Here | Vanaf Hier (2023) Praz-de-Fort - version 1

From Here | Vanaf Hier (2023) Cabane B, Bern - version 2

For Kristia Michael and Kali Ensemble, 21 April 2023,
The Hague, Netherlands

The days, they wonder away (2023)

Alterations (2020) in collaboration with Paul Boereboom

Over zee (2020) for female choir

Dat mij ontmoet (2023) 

The very lightweight thread floats in the moving air (2018)



Other works mentioned: 

For electronics, voice, field recordings and light, performed by me, on 16 January 2024 in Bern, Switzerland

How long will the orange sea remain? (2024)