Our cities change in whirlwind tempo. Moving every day between my home and the art academy I see it happening.
Museums functions
Objects in the museum has already transformed. They're role in history is now different. It is now representative for what it self was in a prior stage of metamorfosis. Usually from a time when this object had agency of some kind.
The paradigm of today is more and more dominated by the fact that our civilisation is pushing the envelope for our habitat . Sustainability is an ideal now shared by politics commercial research art culture
My response to this is the use of the museum as a contemporary witness.
This example overlooks a roundabout that links several parts of the city together. A tunnel haas been built beneath it and now one of the main corridors ina and out of the city centre is being removed for a Miljøgate.
More than we ever will live in the fixed outcome of this reconstruction we ARE living in the periods inbetween. This roundabout tells this story
In the buråcratic and processoriented society everything seem to happen as either thinking and determinening the future i.e writing and apllication, sketces, selling the pitch..
or in hindsight, evaluation, verdicts
the general idea seems to be that we can decide the best possible future for ourselves and that we are able to determine in a good way our own actions.
"best"" and "good" understood as a binary understanding of quality
contemporary actions in this spehere, city-development, are mainly done by contracted work done after a recipe or on basis of education/experience. Formal work.
The MCT interfers with this scheme. As an artist developing a sense for main actors in the art realm( i.e whitecubegalleryspace, ) I look for similarities and differences in the outside/inside paradigm made by the commercial art scene)
firstly by being in their way.
Art without protection. Art oustide of artistic jurisdiction.(Does all this art produced by artist need all this protection. What are you afraid of?) And what are art works being protected from