Turn back leg slightly to the right 

front leg follows 



I feel my heartbeat pulsing from my ears through the headphones and back, like percussion

I tune in with the rhtyhm

front back 

front back 

back front

back front back

what is initiating the rhythm? 

is it my movement 

or is my internal movement merely an echo of it 

What if I stop? 

I stop





I step on the flow of two people behind me and a bike. 

they don't like it

I step aside a few metres 





I am in this area















an opening through an old railway line, where the grass has taken over the landscape 




on my left, a few tens of metres of fields

Wild plants on the sides and narrow canals below that are barely visible from my spot


on my right, about 5 metres away, closed gates, behind which lie a few old, beautiful train, urban concrete stones on the ground

I walk to the left

where there were no gates and more birds playing the chorus for the gigantic cosmological symphony of sounds, noises and beats of the city space

In the blink of an eye, the entire atmosphere collided into one moment 

and I found myself fallen into  something like a gap






almost invisible to the naked eye  



something like a contretemps

« Perhaps the only thing that hints at a sense of time is rhythm: not the recurring beats of rhythm, but the gap between two such beats, the grey space between black beats: the tender interval - the regular throb itself only brings back the miserable idea of measurement - but in between lurks something like true time » x


he thinks of the interrelation of space and time through the idea of rhythm,

in particular repetition 


"It is found in the workings of our towns and cities, in urban life and movement through space. Equally in the collision of natural, biological and social timescales, the rhythms of our bodies and societies»x


the question of rhythm raises issues of change and repetition, identity and difference, contrast and continuity 


i slipped from the pathway to fall into a 

delicate     crack 

in the city fabric


xLost again. Where was I? Where am I? Mud road. Sopped car. Time is rhythm: the insect rhythm of a warm humid night, brain ripple, breathing, the drum in my temple - these are our faithful timekeepers: and reason corrects the feverish beat. 




the matter in decay 

felt like


the other side of silence 

in a busy city day


here the ground i hear 

loaded of

decomposed stories 


fragmented memories 

of times 

of which 








might speak













i walk 

heavy body 

soft arms 

steady head and restless eyes

My weight swings in a constant flow 

back leg 

front leg 

back leg

front leg


small jump