this catalogue has been created with slowness and silence, therefore its navigation must be


solid lines serve as directions; if you cross one, grasp it and follow

 dotted lines are like threads of a tune, connecting topographies and reliefs


Lines of words also point the way 


blanks are space gaps, to get lost, to breathe, and to enjoy the silence


piles represent geographies, each with its own terrain and timezone; click on them to embark on time travel


in the southern part of this map, back in the history, my notebooks have collided with the digital realm. Since it has been raining words, heavy and overflowing.

move through slowly and attentively


to the east, you will find documentation of my process and a few visual references. if you don't find them, it's fine,  now is about your own voyage around the findings

strolling through the streets i found myself slipping into a space interval wherethe rhythms of everydaylife1 dissolved into the abyss of decaying matter















 exploration of interstices          






                        place - location - space






network map                                                           TAZ (temporary          autonomous zone)2  


                                                                      places that appear 

                                                                      to thoses who can see them  







story action material memory finding                                                   appearing disappearing tactics of disappearance3        

                                                                                       insurrection outside time and history



                                                                                       flying4 the dominant temporality












 reappropriation                                                   heterochrony change of spatial positioning time as a social and political construct political dispositifs that accumulate time history unfolds linear to domianant narratives times resist conventional narratives and reject accumulation as historical method        





                                                                   claiming other times    

 temporalities that suspend neutralize or reverse dominant narratives 





 in-between spaces where otherness seem invisible    






dérive psychogeography bodygeography drifting urban          drifting expédition    lines of flight

                                        idiosyncratic plan of the city particular features of a person habits      degrees of attraction and repulsion5    





                                         flânerie wandering poetic walks     faire de l'errance une véritable discipline du regard6



 the method itself would allow instigate a transofrmation of daily life          uninterrupted process of reorientation       





                                                                                                                            experiemental utopia (Lefvebre) heterotopia (faucault) 







                                                                                                                                        non-fixed scenography where people collectively collaborate its inside elements          

                                                                                                                                                                                                 a vocabulary to write rewrite corwrite by the collectivity freely and accordingly     shaping the milieu according to their collective desire  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the story                                                                                  cities as geological strata that underlays physical landscapes  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     historical landscapes shaped by the successive events that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     time have burried    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     unlock the times       uncover    discover what lays under the dust 

























inviting non-human perspective 


in-between spaces as sites for altered human and non-human relations     times and spaces for claiming narratives that suspend neturalize or reverse the dominant narratives 

 dérive as a method to engage with these spaces challenging the politics of individuation and fragmentation of the notion of "public" in "public" space s ""          










chapter I - 

city drifting7

in search for meaningful 


in a map of space-time-body reliefs geographies revealed shadowed vocabularies that appear to those who can see them



2 first locations

 caught in the contradictions between journey and expedition between walking with and walking on between a co-agencing and acts of appropriation

(unlocated found material) moss growing on a brick 

what does collecting     and accumulating mean to me                what relationships am I seeking?

(unlocated found material) moss growing on sand 







how can a non-human perspective inform / inspire restoring human relations in the public and social spaces 

what would the underground speak to the topground 













symbiosis   contiuum mutualistic relationship solidarity  movement 

of energy         distribution diversity                                       collaboration      different colors 



the communities that inhabit the soil embody incarnate other times               cristals



memories                                                                                hidden universes



beauty provides a channel through which nonhuman specters can enter.     they do not have to be left out in the prefabricated "nature" of a bourgeois ideology 

beauty is a love letter from an unknown source a non-local telepatic-mind-meld with        somwthing that might not be conscious might not be a sentiment might not be alive might not even exist     beauty 

is a     feeling of unconditional  solidarity with things       with everything with anything8 























the earth as a space for radical tenderness                                   transformation becoming
































chapter two 

labouring for meaningful relationships

(unlocated found material) two types of soil with organic matter in decomosition 

cosmic politics

collective consciousness 

collective imaginary 







what is the scope of the collective?

weaving relationships with the communities inhabiting the earth below and the ones above    with the others that we see and those that we don't see    with the voices we experience as silence    and the dead that we think are gone



(unlocated found material) moss growing on a brick 

yet they remain
a life force and engine of cosmological politics 


chapter three : processing  the matter and the research materials 


play simultaneously


     ارض حريه كرامه وطنيه

Land, freedom، collective dignity  

A slogan that has been with me for a long time, since the revolutionary moment in Tunisia in 2010, when we raised it in the protests, wrote it on the walls, banners that we held high, we sang and shouted it, it recurred in our writings, in our conversations, in our dreams of the sovereignty and independence of our lands. 

Today I see, we see, houses bombed, falling down, turned into dust, piles of stones, dirt.

The land carries it all, embraces the decay and transforms it.  Down there, other times lie, invisible, suspended from the narratives of control and structures of oppression that dominate the realm above. 

In the past semester, perhaps even years, I have turned my attention to the interstices in cities that have been created, or rather overrun, by the political programming of urban spaces. They have become areas that have no specific function, no specific production value, no active role in the web of trajectories, signals, instructions, restrictions, power relations...

They are just there, immanent. (Remaining within; inherent; indwelling; abiding; intrinsic; internal or subjective; hence, limited in activity, agency, or effect, to the subject or associated acts; -- opposed to emanant, transitory, transitive, or objective)

I like to go there, to step aside from the flow of traffic, to stand in the in-between corners that people hardly look at. I am always wandering, wondering how I can inhabit them, reconvert them, activate their performative potential, claim other times and relations that neutralise or reverse the dominant narratives around me.

I took the act of strolling as a ritual, a method.

I looked and all I found was dirt, soil, biomass, decaying debris, stones inhabited by microscopic organisms, a complex stratum composed of various "others".

Everything felt connected and embedded in itself. 

Robert Smithson (artist known for sculpture and land art) wrote in an article: "The city gives the illusion that the earth does not exist.

But what I saw was a symbiosis of things we often see as separate, they grow, they evolve, they shift as a one, a network of self-organising systems. There's no master, no slave. I saw in the land a biosphere highly charged with inter-independent times, stories, histories, memories, dreams, identities, homes, belonging, roots... they are all there, traces of our past, inherited from our ancestors, and of our present, which we define ourselves. 


Monday, half past nine, the air is slightly aggressive, my hands are cold, I am collecting soil in this area behind the railway. I haven't broken any laws I promise, I haven't jumped any barriers, I've just been following the side of the canal. I don't really choose where I stop, the ground calls me, I respond. I walked to the back of this area that has no title, I found a small door hidden behind the herbs. It opened onto a cemetery, beautiful and quiet. I remembered Michel Faucault and his concept of heterotopia, which also fascinated me during the first semester. He described them as spaces absolutely other, the city's sacred and immortal wind.


I saw in the in-between spaces of the city what I call heterotopias, a land for altered human and non-human relations, 




friday, February is almost over. Spring is shyly approaching, I could see and touch it as I bent down to collect some earth.


Today I had an encounter with a microscopic, translucent creature. I've observed so much autonomy and self-sufficiency through it.


Vivieros De Castro, a Brazilian anthropologist interested in the Amazonian cosmologies and Amerindian Perspectivism (the way in which humans, animals, and spirits see both themselves and one another, an idea that suggests a redefinition of the classical categories of « nature », « culture », « super nature » based on the concept of perspective). said in one of his lectures: "The experience that each 'self' has of the 'other' can, however, be radically different from the experience that the 'other' has of its own appearance and practices." -- Lecture 1, p. 51 


It seems to me that when we turn our gaze to our other, non-human selves, who perceive reality from a different perspective, within a very different temporality, we learn so much about how the world is of relative semblances, for example, what is solid earth to us is airy sky to the beings who inhabit the strata below us, and what is airy sky to us is solid earth to those who inhabit the strata above us. 


It is a world of relative semblances, where different kinds of beings see the same things differently. 


In the last few years, before coming to the Netherlands, I've been volunteering on organic farms, dynamising the soil, collecting and redistributing biomass, planting wild forests... This has taught me a lot about how what happens in the soil can influence what happens above it, in terms of self-organising structures, symbiosis and, above all, solidarity. 


These last few months have also taught me that solidarity comes with love, it's hard to relate to the feeling without having love as a drive.