In my research method I take a performative stance, tuning into the thread of experiences that stream and unfold as things move forward
The dramaturgy echoes the peculiarities of the terrain, its limitations and its potentials
I am both a wanderer, navigating the unexpected twists and turns of the journey, and an agent, constantly negotiating my trajectories and their matter
Tim Ingold uses the expression doing-undergoingx, which I could relate to
I'm in constant negotiation with the world, not as an external realm, but as immanent in my embodied perception of it
In my research travels, the world in which I act and myself as I act speak the same language, which Tim Ingold beautifully puts as "othering into togethering, interaction into correspondence, intention rooted in attention" x
today I went to explore future gardening at Onkruidenier's Shadow Garden project, which "performs rituals as a language to lead the visitor into an in-between space (...) into the shadows of plants, organisms, soil and earth systems"
in their "test environment" they challenge the eco-modernist tradition of the Floriade x
I plunged into an attentive gesture of digging in the ground, discovering what is shadowed between its strata
the lives lying there, their trajectories, their temporalities... caught me between feelings of intrusion and fascination
about half a metre below, we fell onto a geotextile that separated the top layer of soil, which was a slightly sandy, deep brown colour mixed with decomposing organic matter
and a thick layer of damp, sticky, insubstantial clay
a few more holes led us to a third level, about a metre deep, where the soil was light, much more sandy and mixed with organic matter, earthworms, but also tiny bits of modern debris
As I reached out to touch different levels of soil, I encountered a processed, sterilised, and probably fertilised matter, which led me to question whether these processes abstract it
trapping it in a mere material
seperated from its geography
political stance
what is my position as a researcher and collector of soil samples from which the ADN has been erased?
what does it mean for me to give each of my collections a coordinate, a name and a story, acknowledging that it's actual story has been sterilised?
Is it a claim of authorship that romanticizes a matter that transcends any sense of authorship, ownership and possession per se?
what would it be like to de-collect? as a gesture of dispossession
would this action put me in a different essentialist position, claiming innocence, stepping back, denying my agency, my part in a power relationship that is imminent by my very being?