exploration of interstices
place - location - space
network map TAZ (temporary autonomous zone)1
places that appear
to thoses who can see them
story action material memory finding appearing disappearing tactics of disappearance2
insurrection outside time and history
flying3 the dominant temporality
reappropriation heterochrony change of spatial positioning time as a social and political construct political dispositifs that accumulate time history unfolds linear to domianant narratives times resist conventional narratives and reject accumulation as historical method
claiming other times
temporalities that suspend neutralize or reverse dominant narratives
in-between spaces where otherness seem invisible
dérive psychogeography bodygeography drifting urban drifting expédition lines of flight
idiosyncratic plan of the city particular features of a person habits degrees of attraction and repulsion4
flânerie wandering poetic walks faire de l'errance une véritable discipline du regard5
the method itself would allow instigate a transofrmation of daily life uninterrupted process of reorientation
experiemental utopia (Lefvebre) heterotopia (faucault)
non-fixed scenography where people collectively collaborate its inside elements
a vocabulary to write rewrite corwrite by the collectivity freely and accordingly shaping the milieu according to their collective desire
the story cities as geological strata that underlays physical landscapes
historical landscapes shaped by the successive events that
time have burried
unlock the times uncover discover what lays under the dust
inviting non-human perspective
in-between spaces as sites for altered human and non-human relations times and spaces for claiming narratives that suspend neturalize or reverse the dominant narratives
dérive as a method to engage with these spaces challenging the politics of individuation and fragmentation of the notion of "public" in "public" space s ""
how can a non-human perspective inform / inspire restoring human relations in the public and social spaces
what would the underground speak to the topground
symbiosis contiuum mutualistic relationship solidarity movement
of energy distribution diversity collaboration different colors
the communities that inhabit the soil embody incarnate other times cristals
memories hidden universes
beauty provides a channel through which nonhuman specters can enter. they do not have to be left out in the prefabricated "nature" of a bourgeois ideology
beauty is a love letter from an unknown source a non-local telepatic-mind-meld with somwthing that might not be conscious might not be a sentiment might not be alive might not even exist beauty
is a feeling of unconditional solidarity with things with everything with anything6
the earth as a space for radical tenderness transformation becoming