Final Deadline

Admin Chooses Final Publication Range


X Reject ->

returns the exposition to author as "in progress"

V Accept ->

1. Unlimited publication (visible to all)

2. Limited publication (visible to portal members)

3. Archived (only visible to portal admin)



preliminary deadline

* admin is notified of submission *

Admin Creates Reviewers


Admin Adds Reviewer to Research

Master Research Workflow

an example of using a portal for student research examination and publication


There are four people participating:

  • the portal admin(s)
  • the student
  • the supervisor
  • the external reviewer

Portal Admin Creates Accounts  for students and supervisor in user section of admin

Portal admin

All edits and changes should be completed before this point.

Student Resets Password

Student collects materials in the media repository, and finally creates media sets out of them.

Student Creates a New Exposition

Typically the student receives a workshop or reads quick start guide.

Student Invites a Supervisor

Share Link

to share the exposition with some peers, the student activates the share link.

Student "submits for review"

Student "resubmits for review"

exposition is locked

exposition is locked


research can be put "in revision" for temporary edit







* reviewer is notified of submission *

Reviewer can log in and see the research under


Supervisor Accepts

the invitation and can see and comment on the exposition

Supervisor accepts an invitation


Reviewer starts reviewing