


Young and during studies as well


er et nasjonalt tilbud til unge kunstnere som er 15-25 år. På Trafo kan du søke om stipend, få mentorhjelp fra proffe kunstnere, publisere arbeidene dine og delta på på konkurranser og workshops. Helt gratis. // Trafo is a national programme for young artists aged 15-25. At Trafo you can apply for grants, get mentoring from professional artists, publish your work and participate in competitions and workshops. All for free.



Usually eligible after graduation from either BFA or MFA, check requirements

Diverse­stipend for ny­utdannede kunstnere

Various grants for newly qualified artists will help to ease the transition to professional life for artists who have completed art education at bachelor's or master's level. Support can be applied for for several purposes, such as establishment, courses, travel, deepening, materials, equipment, marketing, consultancy etc.


Miscellaneous scholarships must be a contribution to the individual applicant's artistic activities. It can i.a. support is given for establishment, courses, travel, studies, deepening, materials, equipment, marketing, consultancy etc.


Prosjektstøtte billedkunst

The purpose of the scheme is to promote the production and dissemination of new visual art projects.


Arbeids­stipend for yngre / ny­etablerte kunstnarar

The work grant will give younger/newly established artists in the establishment phase the opportunity to develop artistically and better enable them to make a living from their work as an artist.

BKH (Bildende Kunstneres)

BKH art student scholarship

The purpose of the BKH art student scholarship is to be an inspiration for art students and to contribute to increased knowledge of the BKH and the Art Tax Act. The scholarship can be awarded to master's students in the following art educations:

NBK (Norsk Billedkunstnere)


The purpose of the project support is to strengthen visual artists' opportunities to carry out time-limited, defined projects in the field of visual art.

Students who are undergoing basic education in the awarding semester cannot be awarded project support. Basic education means all types of education at bachelor's and master's level, including non-artistic education. Exceptions apply if the study makes up a maximum of 50 per cent of the time (15 credits per semester).

Trøndelag fylkeskommune


Cultural grants can, among other things, be support for events, festivals and the development and production of cultural expressions. There can be projects within performing arts, music, literature, visual arts, cultural heritage, and more. 

Usually applied for in collaboration with one or more actors & doesn't support solo exhibitions or provide support in full.

Regionale kulturprosjekt

Regional cultural projects must contribute to projects that provide lasting changes for the art and culture field in Trøndelag within prioritized investment areas in the action program for Balansekunst. The grant scheme must also complement existing instruments and support the county council's own services and areas of responsibility.

Usually applied for in collaboration with one or more actors & doesn't support solo exhibitions or provide support in full.


Samfunnsløftet Artist Grant

Each grant consists of NOK 150,000 and is given to up to 30 professional creators of art in Northern Norway. The grant should help the artists immerse themselves in their work, working on a project described in their application, and through this develop their own artistic practice.





Grants, Application Writing, Residencies, Project Development and more 



UKS / Young Artists' Society

UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund / Young Artists’ Society) is a political membership organization for professional artists in Norway and an exhibition space for contemporary art located in Oslo. With close to 700 members, UKS is the largest organization within the national artist union Norske Billedkunstnere (NBK). Founded by artists, for artists in 1921, UKS works to advance its members’ professional, social, economic, and ideal interests.



Guide for artist-driven showrooms



Guide, how to calculate exhibition fee, artist talks etc




Verdensrommet is an artist-powered mutual support network by and for non-EU/EEA creative professionals based in Norway. The network is a grassroots and volunteer-led group of 200+ creative professionals across the country. The network was initiated in March 2020 to address the precarious conditions of visual artists whose citizenship led them to slip through the state’s support net. The low-income levels, highly bureaucratic regimes, unrealistic immigration policies, limited accessibility to social assistance, and the cultural deficit in public life accentuated by the Covid-19 pandemic have worsened the already precarious cultural workers’ economy.



VISP is a resource and a networking organisation for the Visual Arts in Norway, and we work to improve and facilitate conditions for the production and dissemination of Visual Arts. VISP represents all of the creative community within the Visual Arts, including artists, galleries, institutions, producers, curators, critics and suppliers of materials and services. We are a membership organisation and membership is free. VISP aims to create a unified network and we encourage our members to contact us if they need practical or professional advice, information or other guidance.



is Norway´s national body responsible for curating, producing and activating art in public space. KORO manages an extensive collection of some 8.000 artworks accessible at around 1.000 sites throughout Norway and abroad. In addition, KORO is a national center for research and knowledge development within the field of public art.



The Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) is a non-profit foundation established by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in 2001. Its principal aim is to strengthen dialogue between art practitioners in Norway, including Sápmi, and the international arts scene, and support artists based in Norway in their activities around the world. As a result, OCA’s discursive, exhibition, publication, residency and visitor programmes focus on bringing to Norway plurality of practices and histories at the forefront of international artistic debates, as much as they are concerned with actively participating in such debates nationally and internationally. 


is a private non-profit foundation that is intended to protect and promote freedom of expression, public debate, art and culture.



Kulturradet / Arts Council Norway

Arts Council Norway is the main governmental operator for the implementation of Norwegian cultural policy. Arts Council Norway functions as an advisory body to the central government and public sector on cultural affairs. The Arts Council is fully financed by the Ministry of Culture.


Nordisc Kulturfond

At the Nordic Culture Fund, we work to set the direction for the cultural co-operation of the future. In a time of upheaval, when nations draw in to themselves, art and culture can act as a focal point that opens up, creates links and offers new perspectives – both towards ourselves and towards the world we live in. With our funding programmes, partnerships and cultural policy work, we therefore aim to bring arts and culture into new forms of dialogue, and provide a flexible frameworks for developing new collaborations and initiatives.


Innovation Norway

We contribute to sustainable growth and exports for Norwegian businesses through capital and expertise.





Crowdfunding Toolkit

Are you active in the creative sector? Are you an artist, cultural practitioner, researcher, social entrepreneur, designer or programmer? Are you interested in financing a (future) project with crowdfunding? Want to learn more about crowdfunding in general?

Åfjord Art / OPEN CALL (Residency & Exhibition)

We want art to take on traditional roles, but also to challenge the idea of what art can be and where art can be. Art should contribute in new contexts and talk about public health, youth, existence and quality of life, and enable more people to recognise the importance of art for health and quality of life.