....................... FEBRUARY....................... ....................... ....................... MARCH ....................... ....................... ...................... ...................... APRIL ....................... ....................... ...................... ...................... MAY ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... JUNE ..............................
....................... FEBRUARY............... 07 ............ .................... .................... ................... ............ .................... .................... ............................... .................... .................... ............................... .................... ....................................... February 28 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. MARCH ....................... ...................14 .... ...................... ...................... APRIL ....................... .................... 11...................... ...................... MAY ...................... 09 ...................... ...................... ....................... JUNE
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* Joe Lockwood: From film to art and design schools - working at the interface of industry, higher-education, policy and civil society for over 25 years he holds BA, MA in English Literature and an MBA. Co-founder of The Innovation School and The Creative Campus at The Glasgow School of Art. Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education. Co-founder and co-direction of the LAB Genalguacil - International Laboratory of Rural Innovation, with partners across academia, civil society, industry and policy. Head of Research and Innovation FGPM.
as the source of an infinite variety of movements?
A lecture collage with excerpts from
Yvonne Rainer and Shu Lea Cheang
TuringGaia | The Making of Behavioral Media
Martinus Suijkerbuijk & sound artist Øystein Fjeldbo present and reflect on:
How to create a character? That acts and learns autonomously—not a character to play with, not as part of a story, but embedded in a virtual ecology. How might this character narrate and communicate?
Martinus and Øystein provide insights into the PhD research project TuriaGaia, and unfold the complex interrelationships behind the scenes and screens of the installation. What mechanics are operative behind the scenes and how are technological AI-tools tailored to the aesthetic process that made TuringGaia possible?
....................... ...................... SEPTEMBER ..................... ....................... ....................... OCTOBER ....................... ............. ......... ....................... ...................... NOVEMBER ........................ ...................... .......................... .................... ............................................. .................... ............. ....................... ........................... ................... ..................... ........................... ................... ..................... ................... DECEMBER
Further Reading Listening, Watching: Every Revolution is a Throw of Dice, by Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub, 1977. Bookmarking Book Art – “Un Coup de Dés Jamais N’Abolira l’Appropriation.” An Online Exhibition. Anarchist Currents: A Short History of Anarchism, Pëtr Kropotkin: The Commune of Paris, Playing Against Type: What happened when Stéphane Mallarmé reimagined the book, Union des femmes pour la défense de Paris, Manifesto of the Paris Commune’s Federation of Artists, Nikolay Chernyshevsky: Vital Question ... Or what is to be done, Alain Dalotel: The Paris Commune 1871, Gustave Courbet, Realism and the Paris Commune, Bertholt Brecht: The Days of the Commune and The Play, tricontinental: Paris 150 Commune, Blog de Michèle Audin: La Commune de Paris, The Paris Commune: Selection of Books, Peter Lamborn Wilson, Mallarmé: Anarchist
A visit from the department of Architecture: Tordis Berstrand, Nina Haarsaker and Aleksandra Raonic.