Viver é político. As escolhas e intervenções que faço e fiz neste workshop são políticas. Um olhar cuidado, feminista e anti-especista. Partindo sempre do meu lugar de fala, mulher branca cis portuguesa vega europeia de classe média. Vontade de reescrever narrativas. Fora daqui. No arquivo-cidade. // Ana Mafalda Pereira
In this last exercise of the workshop the particpants were invited to engage with the archival materials freely, given the conditions that they would produce some sort of material layer. This layer could have been also a score for a movement for example. The materials offered were semi-transparent papers, pens, scissors, and pens as well as the projector screen that was installed in the room that we used. The particpants had about 40-50 minutes to realize their ideas that we then shared in a final round.