publications, other texts

and references


(under construction)


In the future you will find here articles and other output published that related to this archive. Also texts that have not been published such as fragments of my doctoral thesis and more indepedent essays will be available here.


Ahmed, Sara. (2014). The cultural politics of emotion (Second edition). Edinburgh University Press.

Appadurai, Arjun. (1996). Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. University of Minnesota Press.

Azoulay, Ariella. (2019). Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism. Verso.

Berger, John. (1972). Ways of seeing: Based on the BBC television series with John Berger. British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin books.

Burman, Erica. (2017). Deconstructing developmental psychology (3rd edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Burrows, Jonathan. (2010). A Choreographer’s Handbook. Routledge.

Cifor, Marika. (2016). Affecting relations: Introducing affect theory to archival discourse. Archival Science, 16(1), 7–31.

Dhawan, Nikita, & do Mar Castro Varela, María. (2009). Breaking the Rules. Education and Post-colonialism. In Carmen Mörsch (Ed.), Documenta 12 education. Between Cultural Praxis and Public Service Results of a Research Project (pp. 317–332). Diaphanes.

Dyer, Richard. (1997). White. Routledge.

Fabião, Eleonora. (2013). Programa performativo: O corpo-em-experiência. Revista do LUME. Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas Teatrais, no. 4.

Foucault, Michel. (1972). The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse of Language (A. M. Sheridan Smith, Trans.). Pantheon Books.

Hartman, Saidiya. (2007). Lose your mother: A journey along the Atlantic slave route. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Hartman, Saidiya. (2019). Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Riotous Black Girls, Troublesome Women, and Queer Radicals (Reprint Edition). W. W. Norton & Company.

hooks, bell. (1992). Eating the other: Desire and resistance. In Black Looks: Race and Representation (pp. 21–39). South End Press.

hooks, bell. (2003). The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators. In Reina Lewis & Sara Mills (Eds.), Feminist Postcolonial Theory. A Reader (pp. 207–221). Edinburgh University Press.

Lawn, Martin, & Grosvenor, Ian. (2005). Materialities of Schooling: Design, technology, objects, routines. Symposium Books Ltd.

Martins, Catarina (Cat). (2022). A colonialidade da educação artística: Sementes, plantas e as prácticas jardineiras na fabricação da natureza da criança. In Catarina (Cat) Martins, José Carlos de Paiva, & Rita Rainho (Eds.), Derivas a partir de Prácticas e Epistemologias do Ensino Artístico na CPLP, com foco nos casos de Cabo Verde e Moçambique (pp. 261–279). i2ADS edições.

Mbembe, Achille. (2002). The Power of the Archive and its Limits. In Carolyn Hamilton, Verne Harris, Jane Taylor, Michele Pickover, Graeme Reid, & Razia Saleh (Eds.), Refiguring the Archive (pp. 19–27). Springer Netherlands.

Mignolo, Walter D., & Tlostanova, Madina V. (2012). Learning to Unlearn. Decolonial Reflections from Eurasia and the Americas. The Ohio State University Press.

Mignolo, Walter D., & Walsh, Catherine. (2018). On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Praxis. Duke University Press.

Mirzoeff, Nicholas. (2011). The Right to Look: A Counterhistory of Visuality. Duke University Press Books.

Ngumi, Njoki, Chuchu, Jim, Musangi, Neo, Ndiaye, Malick, Ifeoma Kupka, Mahret, & Raabe, Isabel. (2023, January 17). Imagining an Archive for Decolonial Knowledge. TALKING OBJECTS Research Lab.

Popkewitz, Thomas S. (2005). Inventing the Modern Self and John Dewey: Modernities and the Traveling of Pragmatism in Education—An Introduction (pp. 3–36). Palgrave Macmillan.

Pratt, Mary Louise. (1992). Imperial Eyes. Routledge.

Rogoff, Irit. (2003, January). From Criticism to Critique to Criticality. Transversal Texts.

Rogoff, Irit. (2006, August). ’Smuggling’—An Embodied Criticality. Transversal Texts.

Sobe, Noah W. (2013). Entanglement and Transnationalism in the History of American Education. In Thomas S. Popkewitz (Ed.), Rethinking the History of Education (pp. 94–105). Palgrave Macmillan US.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. (2012). An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization. Harvard University Press.

Sternfeld, Nora. (2009). Das pädagogische Unverhältnis. Lehren und Lernen bei Rancière, Gramsci und Foucault. Turia + Kant.

Sternfeld, Nora. (2016). Learning Unlearning. CuMMA (Curating, Managing and Mediating Art) Papers, #20.

Taylor, Diana. (2003). The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory in the Americas. Duke University Press.

Tuhiwai Smith, Linda. (2012). Decolonizing Methodologies. Research and Indigenous Peoples. (2nd ed.). Zed Books.

Zaayman, Carine. (2023). Anarchival Practices. The Clanwilliam Arts Project as Re-imagining Custodianship of the Past. ICI Press.