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Co Agency – Artistic Research as Transformative Practice This SIG will address the question of what role artistic research plays and could play in the context of contemporary, social-ecological transformation processes. This refers in particular to the potential for shifting perceptual dispositives and regimes of relevance through artistic-research modes of thought and practice, and the associated opening up and activation of actionable futures. The aim of the SIG is, on the one hand, to create a platform within SAR for the exchange of researchers interested in the topic and to network ongoing and planned projects in this field. On the other hand, it also aims at conceptual work: Here, fundamental questions are to be considered, such as the characteristics of an epistemology of transformation through artistic research processes in the context of debates about the future. But also, the question of the integration of artistic research into concrete research contexts such as transdisciplinary sustainability research should also be addressed - not least with a view to shaping suitable framework conditions and policies. The SIG will also serve as an interface to ongoing initiatives such as the New European Bauhaus, the new, creative KIC: EIT Culture & Creativity (namely the Strategic Topic Group “Just innovation”), the European creative skills alliance Cyanotypes (namely the task force “Urgent skills needs”) and the COST Action "European Forum for Advanced Practices" and strengthen the importance of artistic research in these contexts.
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Band members page
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Garage band - Resonance
Emily Huurdeman
Intrument: saxephone
Car exhaust
Muffler, end-pipe