



Practicalities (Structure/ functioning)




Notes on a self-help group

The aim of the group is to bring together young and emerging researchers in artistic research who want to explore how artistic research can contribute to coordinated and collaborative efforts to address societal challenges. Drawing from specific experiences and by mapping related initiatives, the group will explore and develop an advanced understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of particular artistic research approaches and methodologies contributing to collaborations with other forms of knowledge production. It should also contribute to establish more democratic and shared spaces for knowledge production and exchange with a particular focus on rebalancing hierarchies of knowledge. The SIG is intended to be a forum where research networks and project opportunities can be shared and where the application of the above discussions can be given form, either through the development of new vocabularies, curricula, academic papers, policy suggestions

A need based and curiosity driven self help group: How to do research collectively?

A significant number of early stage artistic researchers are embedded in various collaborations outside of their own institution, however, how to connect and plug into research and knowledge contexts, whether inside or outside academia, is not a cleared path, but requires each artist to bridge the particularities of artistic research to the context.

Are we encountering similar challenges and does it make sense to share our experiences, map out shared challenges and explore strategies together?
Rather than gathering around a shared research topic we propose to grasp the possibility within SAR to meet on the basis of similar institutional conditions of artistic research.
Some initial questions:
- what are the specific ethics of collaboration and co-creation in collective knowledge production?
- What and when do we encounter compatibilities and incompatibilities of artistic research methods in cross disciplinary research projects? (ethically, economically, institutionally)
- What are examples of artistic research being part of research projects in other disciplines?
- What are our practical and ethical experiences working with collective research and knowledge efforts, such as research projects and frameworks, local communities, unions, across institutions and departments..etc
