3.2 Study of the way of playing the Wagner tuba in comparison with the horn
This study has been carried out in order to find out how the two instruments are most similar and most different in practical terms. The results of this study are intended to facilitate the change of instruments for players who have not had any previous education with the Wagner tuba, or those who want to know the instrument in more detail and improve their level.
The study is divided into two sections, making use of different methodologies for each of them. On the one hand, point 3.2.1 (Technical and playing differences between the two instruments) is a rigorous study carried out by myself through recordings in which I try to investigate everything related to the technique of the instrument. On the other hand, the following points 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 (Mouthpiece, posture, sound characteristics and tuning) have been carried out mainly through surveys of experienced professional players of the Wagner tuba. Through their experience, answers are given to all those aspects that are of special importance when playing the Wagner tuba.
I would like to make it clear that everything that is shown hereafter is a complex, dense and deep field that I have tried to simplify in some way or to focus it in a way that is as useful and interesting for the readers of this research. My intention from the beginning has been to provide relevant information and to try to give answers to the questions I asked myself about this instrument. Therefore, I would like to clarify that the conclusions I have drawn are always my point of view and I do not pretend that all people agree with the, they are simply my opinion. Therefore I encourage and advise all readers to understand the information I present and then draw their own conclusions and make use of the information that seems most relevant to them or believe appropriate.