5. C) Results



Discerning the demographic composition of a standard audience for a musical venue is a complicated task. Because of that, to be able to qualify the reactions of my hypothetical listeners, I thought that at least one distinction should be made between musicians and non-musicians. As I have already explained, the experimental activity carried out with a non-knowledgeable audience was done through microsessions in the city library (Bibliotheek Den Haag). Most of the participants came to another more vanguardist performance about the fusion of musical improvisation and dancing, and before or after it they joined my sessions. After explaining (verbally) how the session would be held, and after a brief description of the three philosophical approaches, I began playing fragments of the violin repertoire while the listeners filled in the mentioned questionnaire.  I truly appreciated that they spent some time with me and helped me answer the questions presented in the forms. 

Figure 11.


ENGAGEMENT. One of my goals was to test which philosophical approach could be the most engaging. For that reason, for the first three pieces I played (the beginnings of Bach's Chaconne(1)1, Sibelius' (2), and Tchaikovsky's (3) Concertos) I asked to follow the three different theories: Kivy's(music itself, beauty of music), Levinson's (imagination) and Davies' (contagious, experience) respectively in that order. The results about the level of satisfaction/engagement after hearing the piece with a particular approach were even: (up to 10) 7.7 for Kivy's beauty of music in Bach (1), 7.6 for Levinson's imagination in Sibelius (2), and a little lower 7.3 for Davies' contagion in Tchaikovsky (3)2. But if we include all of Levinson's, Kivy's, and Davies' responses during the whole sessions (from the fourth to the sixth piece the listeners could choose between them) we can draw the first conclusion: Kivy's beauty of music is the one that gets a better engagement, 7.8 against 7.3 for Davies and 7.2 for Levinson. 

EASE/DIFFICULTNESS. The subquestion regarding this matter was about the ease or difficulty of following the respective philosophical approach. Being 1 pretty easy, and 10 extremely difficult, the answers show that Levinson's imagination was the simplest mental path (2.8) while Davies' contagion (3.3) and Kivy's musical qualities (3.4) were a little more demanding.