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Personal Communication


Asman, C. 2024. South African Art Music [email] to J. McClure, 15 January.

Hofmeyr, H. 2024. South African Art Music [email] to J. McClure, 22 January.

Schonken, A. 2024. South African Art Music [email] to J. McClure, 12 January.

Stacey, C. 2024. South African Art Music [email] to J. McClure, 15 January.

Volans, K. 2024. South African Art Music [email] to J. McClure, 19 January.



Chen, A. X. 2024. Collaboration [email] to J. McClure, 9 February.

Chen, A. X. 2023. Personal interview. 20 February, The Hague.  [Recording in possession of author].

Chen, A. X. 2023. Personal interview. 2 March, The Hague. [Recording in possession of author].

Chen, A. X. 2023. Personal interview. 15 March, The Hague. [Recording in possession of author].

Chen, A. X.  Personal communication, [WhatsApp]. 20 March 2023.

Chen, A. X. 2023. Personal interview. 4 April, The Hague.  [Recording in possession of author].

Chen, A. X. Personal communication, [WhatsApp]. 26 April 2023.

Chen, A. X. 2023. Personal interview. 5 May, The Hague.  [Recording in possession of author].

Chen, A. X. 2023. Personal interview. 8 January, The Hague.  [Recording in possession of author].

Chen, A. X. 2024. Personal interview . 20 February, The Hague.  [Recording in possession of author].

Chen, A. X. Personal communication, [WhatsApp]. 27 February 2024. 


Dalton, O. 2023. Personal interview. 8 March, The Hague.  [Recording in possession of author].

Dalton O. Personal Communication, [WhatsApp]. 25 April 2021.


Feder, A. 2021. Personal interview. 20 August, Stellenbosch. [Recording in possession of author].
Feder, A. 2021. Personal interview. 23 April, Stellenbosch. [Recording in possession of author].
Feder, A. 2022. Personal interview. 6 June, Stellenbosch. [Recording in possession of author].
Feder, A. 2022. Three Nocturnes from Africa [email] to J. Mc Clure, 30 March.
Feder, A. Personal Communication, [WhatsApp]. 25 April 2021.
Feder, A. Personal Communication, [WhatsApp]. 25 October 2021.
Feder, A. Personal Communication, [WhatsApp]. 19 July 2023.

Feder, A. Personal Communication, [WhatsApp]. 27 February 2024.



Loveday C, 2022. Personal interview. 18 June, Stellenbosch. [Recording in possession of author].

Loveday, C. 2021. 8 Minute Saxophone [email] to J. Mc Clure, 8 December.

Loveday, C. 2021. Personal interview. 26 May, Stellenbosch. [Recording in possession of author].
Loveday, C. 2021. Personal interview. 6 September, Stellenbosch. [Recording in possession of author].
Loveday, C. 2023. Personal interview. 20 July 2023, St. Francis Bay. [Recording in possession of author].

Loveday, C. 2024. 8 Minute Saxophone [email] to J. Mc Clure, 28 February.


Informal conversation with Dr Andile Khumalo, 26 July 2023.