A real-life experiment in Sweden and Spain
Project coordinated by Umeå University
Led by: Prof. Nora Rätzhel
Project supported by Forte
Within the framework of participative action research, we will develop three methods which will support workers to create an alternative plan for their work process which will be environmentally sound and socially just.
- Envisioning a green and just future and how to achieve it through backcasting and imagine.
- Research-based learning where workers investigate their position within the global value chain and the environmental impacts of their own and the workplaces along the chain.
- Participatory planning and design where workers from Sweden and Spain, supported by technicians, engineers, and researchers from a range of disciplines will create a real-life plan for the green and just transitioning of their work process.
...reposition the role of the artist within a wider social context, including government and commerce...
Chapter 3. Trade Unionists re-inventing themselves and their unions
3.1. Becoming the agents of change by analysing the ecological footprints of their workplaces and developing alternatives
3.2. Alliances with movements, individuals and groups outside the labour movement
3.2. Broadening the scope of activity creating a global movement
"E tu come estai?" / "How are you?"
Hall of mirrors: reflecting labour conditions
Re-imagining labour / re-purposing work / re-defining scope of knowledge from work within and through the struggle
Quality of solidarity alliances.
Blueprint for future struggles?
00:00 Worker(s) leaving the factory (on bike) [Lumière brother, 1895]
10:01 Intervention [E tu come stai? Filippo Maria Gori, Lorenzo Gori, 2022]
16:07 When workers re-enter the factory [GKN Driveline, Campi Bisenzio, June 2024]
1:02:01 Intro to the Lucas Plan [The Story of the Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards Alternative Corporate Plan, BBC Open University, 1978]
1:27:24 Relevance [The Story of the Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards Alternative Corporate Plan, BBC Open University, 1978]
2:01:07 A different society [E tu come stai? Filippo Maria Gori, Lorenzo Gori, 2022]
2:07:01 Socially useful products [We've Always Done It This Way, ATV production, 1978]
2:35:09 Against alienation: To love a factory [E tu come stai? Filippo Maria Gori, Lorenzo Gori, 2022]
2:47:01 Claiming ownership [GKN Driveline, Campi Bisenzio, June 2024]
3:17:01 What does it mean to be anti-fascist today? [Alma brewery, voice of Gigi Malabarrba of RiMaFlow, June 2024]
4:26:04 How to learn something new? [Centro di Formazione Professionale, Florence, June 2024]
4:46:22 Fabrica x Publica x Socialmente x Integrata [[GKN Driveline, Campi Bisenzio, June 2024]