Thesis outline
We start this investigation by exploring all the historical background on colour-music associations. The next section deals with an ontological quest in order to identify the similar properties of colour and sound. We will then discuss all the current scientific theories, debates and inconsistencies around the subject (Crossmodal Correspondences, Synaesthesia). The penultimate section is about the synaesthete composer Olivier Messiaen, since the last part will be a case study of his work "Thème et Variations". In order to navigate through the chapters, you can use David Hay's Nonmenclature of Colours or the table of contents below:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Colours of the music in antiquity: a guide to exploring our soul
2.1 Newton vs Castel: 2 poles of the same magnet
3. The language of colour and mapping it to music
5. Synaesthesia
5.1 The bridge between Crossmodal Correspondences and Synaesthesia
6. Olivier Messiaen: an introduction
6.1 Insights into Messiaen's compositional techniques
6.2 Modes of Limited Transposition
7. A "colourful" analysis of Messiaen's "Theme et Variations"
9. Bibliography
Around the Colour Wheel, a project by Loξias Quartet