Metaphor: large 'table' for positioning your already prepared media in relation to each other.


Drag and drop 'tools' from the left side of the screen to the space (NOT from your computer)


Objects are text, html, picture, audio, video, slideshow, PDF and geometric shapes.


ZIP and executable files cannot be currently added to the exposition.


Change the size of the objects with mouse.

Text and html objects support the common bold, italics, size change, font families.


Change the size of the objects with mouse.

Text and html objects support the common bolditalicssize change, font families.

Change the size of the objects with mouse.

Text and html objects support the common bolditalicssize change, font families.










JPG and PNG image files can be uploaded to the workspace editor, using the picture tool.


GIF animation loops can also be shown.


SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is another supported format.


Inside RC, you cannot edit the media files, only position them.




GIF animation loops can also be shown.


SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is another supported format.




It is possible to add hyperlinks to the text inside a HTML or text box. These can point outside the RC or in another page inside the exposition.

1. Create the new page first, because only then it has a link that can be used.


2. Use the PREVIEW to see the new page. Copy the URL from the browser address bar.

3. Back in the RC workspace editor, edit a text box and add a link to selected text. Paste the copied URL here.

Each Exposition and exposition page have their unique link immediately after they are created, and these are permanent.



When the exposition has multiple pages, they can be added to the Table of Contents using the "exposition title menu" at the top of the page.


The default entry page can also be changed from here.


Connecting the pages with TOC is easier than hyperlinks, but hyperlinks are often necessary and more clear.



With the HTML box (another kind of text box) it is possible to add automatically numbered footnotes.1 The numbering is not shown in the editor.


A popular way to make footnotes is to add text boxes beside the text and make the references manually [2].


Word files can be "imported" by copy/pasting the text into a text box, but this is not recommended and especially footnotes/endnotes can become difficult to read.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image created using Google Draw.

Caption as text box.

[2] When making an exposition on the RC, it is possible that footnotes are needed at all.

With media files, you are asked to add copyright information with the media upload.


The "snap to grid" at COMMANDS tab can help with alilgning images and objects.

Single GIF image with three animation frames.

Video files are first uploaded and then automatically transcoded. This takes some time depending on video size.

The original file upload is also archived. 

Common video formats (e.g. mp4) are supported.

  • This is a text



The exposition does not have to start from the top and move downwards.


However the visibility of elements is not always definite - a text that fits on your screen might not fit another.


The viewport depends on the viewer's computer screen resolution and browser window size.