Electrifying Opera, Amplifying Agency:
Designing a performer-controlled interactive audio system for opera singers
My main focus after the development of the EVII interface, was to explore different acoustic spaces and different types of speakers to see how they affected the balance between the acoustic voice and the electronic processed signals. These videos represent a selected documentation of that exploration, covering my experiments with Pablo Gastaldello with dual processing in a Meyers multichannel surround system, concert use of Isobel Audio´s Alto Hemispherical speakers and the IKO 3D icosahedron speaker, use of a mobile BOSE MicroLink Bluetooth speaker, and transducers on augmented instruments (in this case a grand piano with a heavy flat metal transducer mounted on its soundboard). My explorations with an embroidered metalic thread coil speaker, a custom built Leslee rotating speaker, and Leo de Klerk´s Omniwave speakers (Bloomline) are not included here, but they are referred to in my reflections. (PDF on the home page)