Embodiment vs. Emplacement
"Attention beyond the limits of body-mind relationship. ‘While the paradigm of “embodiment” implies an integration of mind and body, the emergent paradigm of “emplacement” suggests the sensuous (relating to or affecting the senses) interrelationship of body-mind-environment" (Pink 2005, 7).
I open to spirit. Welcoming, allowing, listening. Submitting to being. Drawing nearer, movement and sensation, I dance. I listen. I dance. Gathering sound, I hold moments curated by history. Holding movements carried through time, marking my body with the rhythms of my ancestors. Process welcomes me, as I welcome it. Wandering and wondering towards a deeper understanding of what is.
Wandering with spirit: Here I sat for a time. Quietly observing the intricacies of nature's place-making. Here home small communities amongst the grooves of the tightly textured trunk. Hollowed cavities fill with life, breezes, and water. Seeing and learning in tandem. I interrogated the idea of lens here, considering that the broader the lens, the less detail to be seen, as the lens moves closer and the scope narrows, there is more to observe.
Collage (Collaging) - Doing: The use of collaging as an arts-based method in qualitative inquiry projects involves a researcher or participant/s identifying compelling images, words, scraps, textured materials, and fragments, extracting those materials from the original context, and rearranging them in new displays.
An assemblage that explores and may represent a sensorial experience, investigation, or wandering through the collecting of images. I explore collating in digital and non-digital spaces.
"Collage from “found” visual imagery is widely employed as an accessible medium for expression and illustration in educational, therapeutic, and recreational contexts. Given the history of collage as a strategy of criticism and subversion in the fine arts, visual researchers seek to develop a methodology of collage as a means to knowledge, affording insight into the negotiation and embodiment of media imagery in subjective experience" (Davis 2008, 245)."
Roxi Victorian is a Ph.D. student in Dance Studies at Texas Woman's University. Her research explores the somatic expressions of Black girls, Black Feminist Creative Methods, Hip Hop feminism ("fucking with the grays"), and Mothering for Social Change. She lives in Baton Rouge, LA, with her husband and three children. See website for full bio and research projects.