Processing the Practice as Research

Circling around the idea of practice as an artistic research method/ology, I keep returning to process and what that is in relation to practice

Some thoughts ...


    • steps
    • instructions
    • order (of operations)

practice (method)

    • procedure
    • the doing
    • working through

Attributes of

Practice as/is Research & Artistic Research Methods

  • engagement (trial & error)
  • doing / making
  • accidental
  • incidental
  • wonder
  • wandering
  • embodiment
  • world-making/ score / infrastructure
  • time (non-linear time / memory / temporality
  • I / ethnography / place for the 'I'
  • rhizomes
  • scale
  • 'ing -ing'
  • juxtaposition
  • lens (possible awareness of)

Before entering the discovery phase of my practice, I wanted to consider the methods I might use in the process of "the doing." Having already realized that my practice is mostly cerebral--meditation, listing, reflection, and writing--I wanted to explore different approaches to this project. 


I committed to get out of my head and into my body by moving as part of this practice. Within the moving, I presumed there would be some time spent wandering and simply observing, waiting for whatever might draw my attention. In my engagement, I watched, listened, took photos and videos, which evolved my wandering to wondering and making connections to the research process.