As proof of my developement with the register, I have recorded extracts or the whole of each study. The intention is for this to be used as an aural reference alongside the study book, however as these recording are of my own playing they should be considered a work in progress. Excerpts are stated as whole recordings or accompanied by their corresponding bar numbers. Click on the sound button next to the name of the piece to hear my recording of the study.
Dahl Concerto : Concerto (complete study recorded)
David Maslanka : Sonata
Starting from the beginning until the end of bar 6
Bar 23 until the end.
Lars-Erik Larsson : Concerto
Starting from bar 8
Piet Swerts - Klonos
Bar 14 until the end.
Robert Muczynski : Sonata (complete study recorded)
Takashi Yoshimatsu – Fuzzy Bird
Bar 1 - 7
Bar 13 - 16