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This text unfolds some salient aspects of the author's enquiry into the in-between, starting with the question of inter-musician intersubjectivity, and leading further towards a more general reflection on what may be found by shifting the scrutiny of analysis from posited objects and categories towards the spaces around and in-between them. The text constitutes a narrative broadly along the lines of the author's questions and partial discoveries, arising from an interplay of duo DJ co-musicianship associated with a theoretical exploration. The enquiry builds on Bernard Stiegler's notion of epiphylogenesis, that is, exteriorisation of knowledge into a technological milieu, and opens a horizon towards an immaterial exteriorisation, with shared imagination as a focal point of interest. From there, the text discusses how co-imagination might be mobilised as a part of artistic research apparatus, as a gesture of revealing ineffable qualities that are present in the in-between.
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This text unfolds some salient aspects of the author's enquiry into the in-between, starting with the question of inter-musician intersubjectivity, and leading further towards a more general reflection on what may be found by shifting the scrutiny of analysis from posited objects and categories towards the spaces around and in-between them. The text constitutes a narrative broadly along the lines of the author's questions and partial discoveries, arising from an interplay of duo DJ co-musicianship associated with a theoretical exploration. The enquiry builds on Bernard Stiegler's notion of epiphylogenesis, that is, exteriorisation of knowledge into a technological milieu, and opens a horizon towards an immaterial exteriorisation, with shared imagination as a focal point of interest. From there, the text discusses how co-imagination might be mobilised as a part of artistic research apparatus, as a gesture of revealing ineffable qualities that are present in the in-between.
Otso Tapio Aavanranta -
Intermediary Reflections -
Video 1: 4-Hands Electroacoustic DJ's, a shared co-deejaying practice by Otso Aavanrante (Lähdeoja) and Alejandro Montes de Oca.
Video 2: Koinobori, Japanese carp windsocks, giving salience, shape and poetics to the invisible dance of airflow
This Research Catalogue exposition constitutes the audiovisual companion to Otso Aavanranta's (Lähdeoja) SAR 2022 conference keynote text entitled "Intermediary Reflections".