This iDoc (interactive documentary) is an audiovisual exploration of one young woman, Keziah's, trip to Ghana in the summer of 2019.

Keziah is Ghanaian-German and lives in Hamburg, Germany. She participated in a research project by Laura Ogden about transnational youth mobility, which was part of the international research project 'Mobility Trajectories of Young Lives' (MO-TRAYL) led by Prof. Valentina Mazzucato at Maastricht University and funded by the European Research Council. 

Keziah participated in Laura's research for more than a year (2018-2019) and they spent a lot of time together in Hamburg, Germany. Laura hung out with Keziah at home, church, school, and with Keziah's family and friends, trying to understand what growing up being mobile being Ghana and Germany meant for Keziah, and how it impacted her life. 

Laura also accompanied Keziah's trip to Ghana in summer 2019 and they each recorded the trip in their own ways, including through videos, photos, written notes, and voice memos. This material is presented here in this iDoc of The Visit.