Role of the university to build on-site/off-site bridges, prepare students (creative confidence, capacity, knowledge, skills) to work collectively, 

/ time /  mind the gap / develop an artistic recruitment campaign that communicates a radically different prospect of becoming a creative non-artist /  increase diversity >

Gain artistic confidence without necessarily becoming an artist > open up a portfolio of options 

making art politically, not political art 

How to hack the fundamentally undemocratic structure of the contemporary art world 

While creating frameworks to open up new possibilities for new subjectivities

What new skills are needed today to build creative confidence that does not rely primarily on traditional art practices, without necessarily excluding them? How does creative confidence, and an understanding of it, change throught collective, interdisceplenary processes and how would it impact 


What if we understand KiT as a laboratory for a constantly changing community?

Becoming a future fine art academy—Questioning and challenging the role of art in a time of multi-crises, increasing polarisation and Artificial Intelligence—To keep fostering a diverse environment and develop new models and understanding of "artists at work"

Faculty of Architecture and Design

Department of Fine Art



Gaining knowledge while doing things collectively  <       >  Reverse Entrepreneurship  

Art & Economy in Context  

Closer ties to migrant communities & value undervalued knowledge-systems >> important for a just climate transition / sustainable way of living

Build transversal network

Transform art education / artistic responsivity to real world problems


Interrelating Places / Decentralising Experiments

Primary & Secondary Objectives

KiT (+Tynset)

GSA/Highlands (+ Forres and link to the Isle of Skye / Atlas Arts)


Genalguacil (LAB) - Morocco/Tangier? [education - research - AE/rural]

Transversal: Ukraine TV

of a community as yet missing

hopscotching alternative routes through unruly, artistic methodologies and research

Primary Objective: Countering monocultures and monopolies through polyphonic struggles, diverse ecosystems and dissonant frictions to build resilient communities (hyper-local and transversal) and to explore bottom-up and just models to produce, work and live otherwise.



Reading & Screening Room  / Time to Reflect / Space to make creative imaginary connections / Folding 3 D > critical technology > analog/digital mashup


Critical Theory: creation of concepts and the making of narratives

Linking theoretical, experimental, pedagogical frameworks and activities 

Combine / Synthesise

Artistic Entrepreneurship through Artistic Research

Collecting and mapping examples

Revisit and adjust research questions

Film Festival as a site of sharing knowledge & building common ground

Food as a tool for research and Community making


Build and value shared knowledge

Cooking & Pleasure

Import-Export / Transport Systems

Hyperlocal-Global / Recipes & Ingredients

Communal Gardening > rural < > urban 

Agricultural production organised otherwise

Decentralised Production / Counter Monoculture /

Collaboration with migrant food stores in Trondheim and other places?

Everyone is an expert & feminist kitchens

Research < > Education (Entangled)

Enhancing knowledge inside & outside of Institutions

Of a community as yet missing

Who can afford to imagine becoming an artist?



Within an eco system of existing research projects 

PACESETTERS / Cyanotypes / Marginal Notes








Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences /

Department of Sociology and Political Science

  Value Creation through social relations ++xx


Potential Impact

Methods of Cohesion, Tools & Skills, Form & Substance, Form & Process 

KiT as generator of future artists / alumni & beyond network to reserach and inquire KiT's own history / snowballing / use TV studio as facilitator and tool to connect: TV-show Artists at Work & Galleri KiT series of gatherings / nomadic models / cohesion through assemblage/montage approach / against polarisation // Knitting & Weaving as another cohesion element? // & Radio & Printing (Tynset)


How to organise otherwise?

Critical imagination in relation to organise labour facing environmental/climate crisis // corperative models for a just transition? // ++++




Workpackage 1: decentralised production


The work of research with the research of work / 

The question of research with a research for questions

Food / Art / Examples

The Center for Genomic Gastronomy in Bergen

Abhijit Banerjee, Chhaunk: On Food, Economics And Society, 2024

Kitchen Marronage

Questions & Hypothesis

Of a community as yet missing. Of art as necessarily open and creatively misunderstood. Of artists who are transforming a community while being transformed by a community that is abstract. Of a complex and interacting relation as yet radically and critically reimagined.


How can we imagine a community as a non-fixed entity, based on the principles of difference rather than similarity?


How does acting from the middle can contribute to ....?


Of a community as yet missing. Of art as necessarily open and creatively misunderstood. Of artists who are transforming a community while being transformed by a community that is abstract (and concrete). Of complex relations as yet radically and critically reimagined.

>> Artists Placement Group 

Exhibition at Tate, APG Archive:  Context is Half the Work

Time Travel, References

Time Travel, References


"Study production for once, before broadcasting gets involved." 

"The problem is not to make political films, but to make films politically."

(JL Godard) 

The author as producer (W Benjamin)

Martha Rosler's "Semiotics of the Kitchen" (1975) at the Smithonian American Art Museum, "Museum purchase made possible by the Ford Motor Company".

Andy Warhol, Kitchen (1966)

Luc Moullet, Origins of a Meal (1978)

From Studio to Dining Table: Rirkrit Tiravanija 

Time Travel, References


Bernard Hacourt: Corporation, 2023

Kristin Ross, Communal Luxury—The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune, 2015

Communal Luxury issue 03 of Making & Breaking; Introduction

Alfred Gell, Art and agency, NY 1998

Kurt Lewin, Action Research > wikipedia

Keller Easterling, Medium Design & Action as Form

>> Abdou Maliq Simone: Things that do not go bang in the night

The Aesthetics of Ambiguity, Peter Gielen / Nav Haq (Eds), Antwerp, 2022

Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities, Verso/London, 1983

Kali Akuno and Ajamu Nangwaya (Eds),  Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi2017

Cooperative Jackson

Time Travel, References


Feminist histories of transversal organising

of a time travel & narrative that is missing

(not to be fixed in time)

> link to Marginal Notes

Joint teaching activities? 

Friday lecture series in cinematek? (use extra "activity budget" ?) Stretching small events over time instead of one big thing? Intersecting with teaching activities