This page gives instructions on how to create and submit an exposition to

the Art of Research Conference exhibition-track.

If you are new to the Research Catalogue, please follow the registration guidelines.

If you have questions about submitting AoR2023, or about this page, please contact:

Follow the structure below when creating your exposition

TITLE of your work

Abstract for your work that describes shortly your work and relation to paper submission and how this work communicates your artistic research. Use the Text tool for this.



Video tutorial on how to use Block Editor:





Technical details for your work: size, material and suggestions for how this work should be displayed in the exhibition.




Use Images, videos or sound files that show the proposed work for the conference exhibition.

Caption for the images or other media.

Contact details: name, email and the related paper submission






 How to submit your exposition to Aalto portal for review in Research Catalogue:

  • Go to My Profile page in RC.
  • Choose the option "submit for review" in the corner menu of your exposition.

Select 'Aalto University' as the portal.


After submission, you may not edit your exposition until it has been returned to you.

                                                     The Art of Research Conference 2023                 Aalto University