IMPROVISATION • Collection 1

Improvisation games / In this collection we show exercises and games that can be played collaboratively. Communicating and interacting with rhythm, by call and response, real-time improvisation and specific games to develop improvisational skills.

1 - The Ostinato Game. Two players connect through improvised ostinatos. One by one, they are allowed to go out into a free improvisation supported by the ostinato of the other player. They have to negotiate a convincing ending.

Practice: watch the video and study the actions of the players. Try to play the game with a fellow student, and see how you can improve by working together.


2 - Cantus Firmus: growing and shrinking melodies. This improvisation game can be played by any ensemble. The members improvise a growing melody together by adding a new note each time while playing the previous ones. After the melody is completed, it is played from the beginning, growing to its full length, and then gradually shrinking again to the first note. 

Practice: watch the video and study the actions of the players. Try to play the game with fellow students, and see how you can improve by working together.


3 - Cantus Firmus: variations. The previous game can be expanded to include a few variations:

1) The melody is expanded from 6 to 9 notes. 

2) 2 players play the 6 note cantus firmus in a canon, two notes apart, while a third improvises a melody over it.

3) 2 players play the cantus firmus in a canon, 1 note apart, a third improvises a melody.


Practice: watch the video and study the actions of the players. Try to play the game with fellow students, and see how you can improve by working together.