Choose your real game from the playlist in the homepage.

Read the written instructions above each audio-track, introducing the play-station for playing the game at home and the props you will need for the set up.  

Prepare your real setting: find the playstation at your place (it's said where you habitually start to do the action related to the game) and set it up as instructed.

Get the props you need to start the game.

Ger bluetooth headphones or speakers and keep a sound device with interned connection with you.

[Exhibition version: Choose a Real Game try-out station. With your mobile phone scan the QR code aside each try-out station: you will get the audio-tutorial with the Real Game instructions and you will be able to play your game in the chosen try-out station.]

When everything is ready and you too, start the audio and listen to it.

When the audio starts, the real game starts.