Welcome to the Real Game Vacuuming. 

Game starts now.

Plug in the vacuum and start it on.

Start vacuuming as usual.

Now vacuum in straight lines.

Think of the first object that comes to your mind when I say “dust” to you.

With the vacuum, write the object name on the surface you are vacuuming.

Think of the first object that comes to your mind when I say “light bulb” to you.

With the vacuum write the object name on the surface you are vacuuming.

Think of the first object that comes to your mind when I say “carpet” to you.

With the vacuum write the object name on the surface you are vacuuming.

Remember the three objects you responded with.

In your mind, write a one phrase poem with the three objects you just wrote.

With the vacuum, write the poem on the surface you are vacuuming.

When you write a period to your phrase, the game ends.


Game is over but life goes on.

I wish you a good day and a good life.


Playstation: a floor and room ready to be vacuumed.

Props: a vacuum. 

Set up instructions:

Put your headphones on.

Go to the game’s playstation.

Plug in the vacuum and hold the tube in your hands.

Play the game’s audio.






RG Exposition

at Tutke


UniArts Helsinki