Table of contents 


0. Introduction

0.0 Social developments

0.1 Relevance

0.2 Problem definition

0.3 Research question

0.4 Research hypothesis


1. Historical background & context

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The anticipated role of instrumental music in theatre

1.2 The dynamic evolution of instrumental music in theatre

1.3 Conclusion


2. The issue of narrativity in music

2.0 Introduction and definition

2.1 Exploring narrativity in instrumental music

2.2 Exploring narrativity in theatre

2.3 Comparison between narrativity in instrumental music & theatre

2.4 Conclusion


3. Qualitative collaborations

3.0 Introduction

3.1 Various interests in instrumental music & theatre

3.2 Five phases of Bremekamp

3.3 The role of interaction in collaborations

3.4 Lencioni’s pyramid

3.5 Tuckman’s model

3.6 Cyclic Sharing Knowledge model

3.7 Conclusion


4. Features of family performances

4.0 Introduction

4.1 Observations of practice and practitioners

4.2 Distinctive features of a Family Performance

4.3 Target group identification + audience expectation

4.4 The role of specially composed music for children in family performances

4.5 Conclusion


5. Exploring existing methods & strategies

5.0 Introduction

5.1 Oorkaan Method

5.2 Het Houten Huis

5.3 Conclusion


6. Interview expert and maker  

6.0 Interview Caecilia Thunissen


7. Experiment, adapt and enrich

7.0 Own experiences in the field


8. Mulder Exchange Kit


9. Conclusions


10. Bibliography


11. Appendices

11.0 Transcription interview