The theme for SAAR 2023 is time/tid/aika, and how time/tid/aika, in all it`s forms, relates to our artistic research projects. The schedule will be inspired by SAAR 2022, that took place in Sweden, but the program will also be influenced by the site and the surroudings. Feel free to share your wishes or suggest program sessions: should also be aware that the program might be slightly edited and refined during the event, and that we will leave open slots to be filled during the week. The arriving and departure time will not change (unless we all agree).
Make yourself familiar with the bios and research abstracts
Please spend some time in advance looking at the bios and research abstracts shared in the Research Catalogue exposition. This is important for being able to enter deeper and meaningful conversations and discussions on site.
Introducing one of your peers
We will group you in pairs and ask you to introduce each other, instead of presenting yourself. You will also be given some time at Rauland to talk together in pairs before the presentation session starts. Pairs:
- Leena Julin & Karolin Tampere
- Maarit Rankanen& Maipelo Gabang
- Veli Lehtovaara& Marcia Nemer
- Heini Nieminen & Caterina Mora
- Miklos Gaál& Iury Salustiano Trojaborg
- Antti Nyyssölä & Tanja Hylling Diers
- Jenny Perlin &Nkule Mabaso
- Ingvild Rømo Grande &Angeliki Dimaki-Adolfsen
- Sasa Asentic &Thiago de Paula Souza Diers
- Eira Bjørnstad Foss & Linda Lien
- Mika Elo & Pauliina Syrjälä
- Pilvi Porkola & Sofie Lebech
- Yuka Oyama &Lotte Mik-Meyer
- Solmund Nystabakk & Tao Sambolec
Exposing us to your project/research interest
Please be prepared to expose us to your project/research interest in one way or another, but in the time frame of five minutes. This will be plenary sessions on the first days of the event, where the intention is to get an insight into/become curious about the different projects/research topics (both doctoral candidates´ and supervisors´). This session will also be a starting point for dwelling more with the projects in smaller groups in the next days. You do not need to explain your project through these five minutes. You could instead offer us to sense it, or you couldgive us a glimpse of the project's identity, or simply straight forward talk about your research interest. We will organize this sharing as smaller sessions; with breaks between, and where the sessions might be located at different places. Because of this, we need feedback on how you prefer to share your project or research interest:
- Do you need a projector/screen?
- Do you prefer to have a larger room/space?
- Could you do your sharing outdoors?
- Would you like us to sit, stand or move?
Group discussions/workshops
An important part of the Summer Academy is the parallel group sessions where each fellow hosts/facilitates a session of approximately one hour. We invite you to facilitate this session in the way that feel the most meaningful to you; this might be to receive feedback on a specific part of your project; reflect together with the group; co-create with the group, or do an experiment. You might include some kind of elements that in one way or another invite others to be involved.In these group work sessions, we will invite you (but not force you) to collectively unfold the questions of how time, in all its aspects, influences our work, and how time could be a material, or a resource.
We offer a few questions to open up a collective space to reflect and exchange:
- How do we relate to time in our processes, and how does time shape our projects?
- How might time be a material, and/or a method in our projects?
- How do we make space for dwelling and unproduction?
- What does it mean to be efficient in your process?
- What does it mean to be efficient when you don´t know where you are heading, and mistakes and failures might be what leads you against some kind of result?
- What are you producing, when you are doing nothing? How is this production accessible to others?
In order to vary the activities, we will encourage you to use all the spaces, included the outdoor space, during the group discussions.
Morning sessions
Each day from 09:00-09:15 we will offer you a morning session. This might take form as a performance, a ritual, and exhibition, a physical activity, or something else. The purpose is to spend some time together (for those who wants to take part), and to create a small space to reflect on the day ahead or prepare for the day to come. You are all welcome to propose such a morning session during the week. The session should have the format of a gift; time given to the participants to slow down and open up the senses.
Evening sessions
Each day will end with a shared meal (dinner), and free conversations between the participants. The evenings will be left open to spontaneous activities and sharing's. Instead of a “report back”-session each day, we will create a bird that you can feed with your comments, whish and suggestions for changes/edits/issues that needs to be solved. We will make sure that all issues are addressed and do our best to make edits during the week that might improve the Summer Academy. This small concept is inspired by the use of canary birds in coal mines back in the older days. As long as the bird stays healthy and is singing freely, then the living conditions might also be good.
Individual supervision
The research fellows/candidates will have the possibility to sign up for individual 30 minutes sessions with supervisors. You will receive more information about how to sign up on the first day of the Summer Academy. We will also offer shorter workshops or tutoring on the use of Research Catalogue (both conceptual and technical).
Sharing at the end of the week
We will end the week with an event (in plenary or a few groups) where the fellows share in one way or another what they have realized in relation their project during the week: what has been clarified; what is confusing; what will be their next step? We encourage the candidates to experiment with the format of sharing and to collaborate in groups. We will frame and refine this event together when we are at site, and let the format be inspiredby the different projects and what we have produced the previous days.
Other activities, variation, breaks
During the week we will relate to time in different ways. When it comes to the presentation of your peer, we will for example cut you off after two minutes. This session will be based on a democratic principle, so you will all be given exactly two minutes, and you need to frame your presentation based on the time you are given. In other sessions we will be freer when it comes to the time frame, and we might also adjust the program during the week, based on our experiences and needs.