This exposition displays a link between our monographs "Flora: Language Arts in the Age of Information" (2020) and "Fiction Fiction: Language Arts and the Practice of Spatial Storytelling" (2023, both De Gruyter/Edition Angewandte).

Thomas Ballhausen’s text "What the Probes Report", published in "Flora", prompted our further exploration of non-linear, non-finite and more-than-text formats by unexpectedly entangling themselves and operating with Elena Peytchinska’s topographical text(ure)s, which in turn shaped "Fiction Fiction". 



We would like to warmly thank David Ender for the translation of the original text "Was die Sonden berichten" and Katharina Holas (De Gruyter), Anja Seipenbusch-Hufschmied (Edition Angewandte) and their teams for the wonderful support throughout the process of our monograph’s becoming.