Bergsonian Method of intuition 


Two ways of knowing - analysis vs intuition

According to Bergson there are two profoundly different ways of knowing a subject matter. In the first, “we move around the object” and in the second one “we enter into it” - coincide with the subject matter. In the first one, we position ourselves outside of reality in order to get knowledge about it. We analyse and create representations of the real and through them, as points of references, try to reconstruct reality. In the second one, we place ourselves within the reality and “follow the very life of the thing”, follow its movements - its becoming which is always singular and unique. This second way of knowing for Bergson is intuition (2007).

Resonance between method of intuition and performative paradigm


In my research project I explore Bergson’s method of intuition and potentials that it can open up for research in pedagogy. Rebeca Colaman (2008) points out that there is a clear resonance between Bergsonian method of intuition and contemporary moves in methodology of social sciences in the direction of attending to research performativity, creativity and inventiveness. I believe that the same could be said when it comes methodology of pedagogy, particularly postqualitative and action research, as well as for a performative paradigm in arts-based methodology (Østern et al, 2021). What all these moves have in common is the focus on ongoing processes, their openess for unpredictable moves that can be created from within the field of relations and research potentials to activate transformation.   

Here, I present the main features of the method of intuition, based on my readings of Bergson’s Introduction to metaphysics (1898/2007).

Intuitive way of knowing  

Intuitive way of knowing according to Bergson (2007) suggests that we can only know a thing though coinciding with its uniqueness and becoming. He writes: “By intuition is meant a kind of intellectual sympathy by which one places oneself within an object in order to coincide with what is unique in and consequently inexpressible.” (2007:23).

Intuition as a method is based on ontology of movement and evolution - an alternative ontology in which the world is seen as always in movement, always in becoming, never static. This processual and dynamic nature of reality is based as well on ongoing creations of relations within the world. Therefore, research subject matter is seen as relational phenomena, in constant becoming. 

Relationality of researcher and researched 

In the intuitive way of knowing dichotomies between researcher and researched, subject and object of research, are melting down. Researcher is not setting herself outside of reality - above or a part of it. Rather, she is within reality and in close relations with the subject matter. Relations between them produce both researcher and researched. The task of the researcher is to invent ways of becoming (with)in close relations with the research subject matter.

Sympathy - making intuition operational

Bergson often defines intuition through sympathy. For example, he writes that intuition is an “Intellectual sympathy”. In Erin Manning’s (2016) reading of Bergson, sympathy is the vector of intuition that makes it operational. Intuition transports us into the event, while sympathy for the way how event unfolds, allows an event to express its “more-than”. With sympathy we are reaching toward potentials of reality - we are inventing articulations of reality by being open to realities that are not yet known. 

(Multiple) articulations of reality - research aim

According to Bergson, knowledge is not about discovering but rather producing truth. Knowledge is created when we are closely related to movements of reality - true knowledge supposed to be in line with particular relations that are in-formation in reality. In reality, every event and process is particular and unique, but at the same time we could see particular articulations of an event or process - relations being formed within it, in the way how it proceeds. 

These articulations, that can be created within the research, are not abstract ideas about reality, but rather movements in-between thoughts and actions (Francois & Schott, 2019). Articulations of the real include conceptualizations that are in close relations with ongoing reality - they do something in reality and at the same time reality gives them “true” meaning. 

Theoretical thinking - “cutting out” unique concepts for reality 

Method of intuition invites intellectual inventiveness and  producing concepts that are in line with the uniqueness of subject matter. The subject matter is unique in its becoming and therefore it cannot be conceived through pre-existed, “ready-made” concepts, systems of symbols and translations. Cutting out concepts that are unique and appropriate for a particular object, is a task of intuition. It is important to have in mind that, according to Bergson, different concepts can be cut out for one object showing its multiple relations with other objects. 

Way of doing researching

In doing intuitive research, we are starting from within the subject matter and its ongoing movements, we are experimenting, “inventing” articulations of real with the aim of creating “good relations”. Bergson points out responsibility for creating ongoing ethical relations toward social justice through intuition as a way of knowing (Bergson, 1978).