NIME - New instruments for Music Exploration



NIME – New Instruments for Music Exploration 2007/08 – 2012/13 A project based under the targeted research area Music Creation and Renewal within the strategic plan for NMH 2008 – 2013.


The aim of the NIME project was_


  • to create an environment for musical innovation within artistic research, performance and composition 
  • to explore the design of new physical and electronic instruments combining physical objects and computer technology, sensor technologies and motion capture systems.
  • to host the international NIME conference 2011.
  • The investigation was to divide the work into creating hyperinstruments for the trained performer (the few), and creating simple technological instruments for non-trained performers (the many). Hyperinstruments for the few: how can new technology extend playing techniques and musical expressivity? Simple instruments for the many: how can be developed simple technological tools for easy accessible music performance?


Main project developers

Kjell Tore Innervik, NMH, percussionist, Post Doctoral research fellow

Alexander Refsum Jensenius, IMV/UIO, post doc. music researcher

Ivar Frounberg, NMH, composer, professor in composition.

Collaborative partners

Institute for Music and Theatre, University of Oslo (IMV/UIO): Rolf Inge Godøy, the FourM research group, Kristian Nymoen


Other institutions: The international NIME community, Tromsø Symphony Orchestra, Oslo Chamber Music Festival, Donald Tavel Arts Technology Research Center at Indiana University, Øvre Eiker Kulturskole


Individuals: Sissel Berntsen, Ragnhild Berstad, Therese Birkelund, Mats Claesson, Scott Deal, Ketil Havgård, Pål Roland Janssen, Victoria Johnson, Lars Kværne, Dan Overholdt, Charlotte Piene, Tore Simonsen, Julian Skar, Eirik Sletteberg, Per Sigmund Thorp, Karsten Brustad, Morten Halle, Lavasir Nordrum, Peter Tornquist, Dan Trueman, Knut Vik, Steinar Yggeseth a.o.



Copyright Kjell Tore Innervik / NMH