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of yellow


There were balconies in sunny places. Color… The city is not very colorful. She saw graffiti with a smiling face. Sun… Smiley faces… The egg with the yellow. She was surprised when she saw the restaurant, Indonesian. How can this small city host many countries? A far way country


like Indonesia. She saw a store named 'snell'. Everything should be fast, written on the signboard of the store. She was amazed by the building. The building is shaped according to the street or the street is shaped according to the building. She doesn't know. She was confused. Order and chaos. Very traditional and very modern. Peace in the chaos. More like macro calmness and micro chaos, in the way buildings are constructed. She saw families. At the end of the day, everybody holds on to their family? After the giant buildings, she wanted to finish her journey, she returned the yellow place.