This research project was supported by Art et Science (FR) and the DFG (Germany) — project number 446040934. This exposition is related to the article ‘Dresse-toi!’ Perspectives on the (Re)Valorisation of Nonhuman Animal Performers in Contemporary Circus’, 2024, by Franziska Trapp in the Animal Studies Journal, 13.1: 103–36.


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Dumbo, dir. by Tim Burton. 2019. Produced by Justin Springer, Ehren Kruger, Derek Frey, and Katterli Frauenfelder. Starring Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green, and Alan Arkin (Walt Disney Pictures)

Water for Elephants, dir. by Francis Lawrence. 2011. Produced by Gil Netter, Erwin Stoff, and Andrew R. Tennenbaum. Starring Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz (20th Century Fox)



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Cie Baro d’Evel. 2021. Falaises, dir. by Camille Decourtye et Blaï Mateu Trias. On stage: Noëmie Bouissou, Camille Decourtye, Claire Lamothe, Blaï Mateu Trias, Oriol Pla, Julian Sicard, Marti Soler, Guillermo Weickert, one horse, some pigeons

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Cie Baro d’Evel

Cie Sacekripa

Théâtre de Zingaro

Théatre du Centaure


Cie HorsSystèmes 

Cie Equinoctis